Subject: [Good News] This Update Makes Us Facebook Compliant For The iOS 14 Rollout (get ready to scale)

Hi EZ Battery Reconditioning affiliate,

We hope your weekend is going well so far! We have some good news related to your Facebook ads…

Recently, there were brand-new requirements Facebook rolled related to how pixels should be fired because of the iOS 14 update. And you may have received some warning messages recently related to this update. 

However, the good news is that we have made updates that should clear up any issues with these new Facebook requirements so the way our pixels fire are (#1) Facebook approved, (#2) ready for the iOS 14 rollout, (#3) and should clear up any warning messages you may have recently received.

We have done these two things to ensure we are compliant with the updated Facebook requirements:
  1. To resolve the "Potentially Violating Personal Data Sent to Facebook" warnings you may have received recently, we switched the URL of the 1st upsell page (where your pixels are) to use encryption for anything Facebook may have considered "Personal Data". We protected this information in the past; however, we have updated the way we encrypt this data so Facebook approves. So if you were getting any "Potentially Violating Personal Data Sent to Facebook" errors from Facebook, this should now be cleared up as of today.
  2. Additionally, for the iOS 14 rollout, we needed to verify our website/domain - which we have done.
So with these updates, you shouldn't see any errors or warnings related "personal data" going forward. And if you were having any issues with your account or ad delivery because of the iOS 14 updates, you should be good to scale again!

Also, if are having any issues with your Facebook account and need your pixel swapped, don’t hesitate to let us know.

We're always trying to stay on top of any updates from Facebook (while we also continuing to optimize our offer for better conversion rates and EPC). So we hope this update helps!

Good luck with your campaigns. Have a great day.

Best Regards,
Steven, EZ Battery Reconditioning Affiliate Manager

, 1442 NW 12th Street, Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174, United States
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