Subject: EXCLUSIVE INVITATION to "£1 trillion exports by 2030: reaching for the stars or a pipe dream?" Conference

Exclusive FREE Invitation


£1 trillion exports by 2030 - How?

Go Exporting is a founding member of the Society of Independent International Trade and Customs Experts and we invite you to our inaugural SUMMIT: £1 trillion exports by 2030: reaching for the stars or a pipe dream?


It seems that media outlets constantly disseminate contradictory information acquired from a variety of commercial and government organisations.


At the Summit on 9 June 2022 in Coventry, we will discuss the reality of the United Kingdom's foreign trade strategy for 2022, as well as the ambition to generate £1 trillion in exports by 2030.


Companies are confused, and many opt to disregard international possibilities. The drop in EU commerce has been significant. We will investigate opportunities for encouraging companies to engage in international trade and what our role as independent trade & customs advisors should be in accomplishing this high goal.


The purpose of the summit is to bring together SIITACE members and their clients, colleagues, and potential importers or exporters to discuss international concerns and opportunities.

Following the conference, there will be an opportunity to build a dual-branding strategy and a white paper describing the viewpoints and issues of increasing global export sales. This will be presented to UK Government as a discussion document.

By introducing four core debate issues, the Open Space workshop intends to inspire and promote thoughts and viewpoints on the problem of trade. Go Exporting is a founding member, and we are glad to organise this event and encourage an open dialogue on the goal's attainability.


As a special benefit, Go Exporting newsletter subscribers can attend the conference for FREE. For more information and to register, please visit


Please email us at to acquire a complimentary ticket to the event.

We look forward to seeing you on 9th June!

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