Subject: Friend, Ten Suggestions for Improving Family Relationships

The Everyday Educator

28 July 2009

In This Issue

  • Letter from Janice 
  • Feature: Ten Suggestions
  • News: Summer Poem and Excellence in Literature Status
  • Subscription Management (Need to change your e-mail? Here's where!)

Dear Friend,

Can it already be the end of July? It's been a very pleasant summer. I took a walk after lunch today, and the sky was bright blue with puffy white clouds and little humidity. That's pretty amazing, since July can be a sauna in Virginia!

I've had computer difficulties and had to replace my old computer last week. I've spent most of this week trying to get files transferred and programs upgraded. Time consuming for now, but it will save a huge amount of time in the long run. If you sent me something during the last week or so and didn't get a response, please e-mail me again ( I have a nagging feeling that I may have missed something during the downtime!

Summer will be winding down soon, so be sure to take the opportunity to do special things with your family. Celebrate with treats such as nothing but fresh veggies for dinner (with butter, of course), and make homemade ice cream or smores afterward. It's time to build memories!


Janice Campbell


Ten Suggestions for Improving Family Relationships

It doesn't matter whether you're in school or out-- relationships need to be supported and maintained. Here are some suggestions to share with your family. It would be a good exercise to ask each family member to find a verse that supports the suggestion. We thought of several to go with each one-- I hope you can too!

  1. Always say less than you think, and when you do say something, remember that how you say it is more important sometimes than what you actually say.
  2. Don’t make too many promises, and the ones you do make, be sure to faithfully carry them out, at whatever cost.
  3. Always find something encouraging to say about somebody.
  4. Be genuinely interested in others.
  5. Be cheerful. Don’t burden others with your minor aches and pains (what you focus on tends to increase).
  6. Keep an open mind.
  7. Let your virtues speak for themselves.
  8. Be careful of one another's feelings.
  9. Ignore to negative remarks made about you.
  10. Do your best and be patient. Your time will come.

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On the Blog

I've posted a summer poem by William Blake (with an evocative photo) and a new video review by Kerry Beck for the Excellence in Literature. Enjoy!

Excellence in Literature Status

We've been working very hard to get the last two levels of literature laid out and ready for publication as soon as possible. I know that many of you have started or will be starting school soon, and we'll do our best to get it to you quickly.

(c) Janice Campbell 2009

I hope that you've enjoyed this issue of the e-zine. If you have questions you'd like to have answered, please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me, and I'll do my best to get you an answer. Please feel free to forward it in its entirety to anyone who may enjoy it, and invite them to subscribe.

Thank you for reading!

With gratitude,


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