Subject: REGISTER NOW: Siggen Seminar 2024 - Catching the Wave: Management Effectiveness in Marine Protected Areas🌊

Marine Protected Area Managers: this event is for you!

Register now: Siggen Seminar 2024
Catching the wave: How to achieve more effective management in Marine Protected Areas.

Travel and arrival: 4th of March
Seminar: 4th (evening) - 6th (midday) March
Departure: 6th of March after lunch.

Deadline to register: 05.02.2024

Dear member,

Every year the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung generously hosts EUROPARC members, in their excellent centre in Gut Siggen, North Germany. Here, we enjoy an intense and practically orientated seminar, examining and sharing expertise in a given aspect of Protected Areas work. You can find previous Siggen Seminars here. 

This year, we will dive into our Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and discover how we can achieve more effective management.


The EU Biodiversity Strategy set an ambitious target for 2030, with at least 30% of the sea area to be legally protected (with 10% to be strictly protected) by 2030. It clearly identifies the urgency to ensure that all Protected Areas across Europe are effectively managed, with the realisation of conservation objectives and appropriate monitoring. As such, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have an important role to play and are called to make a serious effort to improve their effectiveness.

But what do MPAs need to do to reach this target, and how can progresses be monitored and assessed? What guidance, tools and methods would be helpful to improve the management of our MPAs?

With this seminar we offer a great opportunity for MPA managers and staff from across Europe to jointly explore those aspects: starting from the EU policy framework we will analyse concrete MPA case studies, looking at processes that underpin management, conservation outputs and tools to monitor and assess progresses.  

Get more information from the Draft Programme:

The Siggen Seminar is marked by its participatory character. Hence, participants will be given the opportunity to learn, meet and exchange with their peers and are expected to take an active role in the different sessions organised, which include collective work, presentations and social activities.

This seminar aims to:

  • Increase participant’s knowledge on why management effectiveness is at the core of EU conservation strategies;

  • Share experience on main challenges that undermine effective management of MPAs;

  • Acquire knowledge on some of the most common/recommended indicators to assess management effectiveness.

The seminar is FREE for EUROPARC members. Participants are only asked to cover travel costs to Siggen.

If you have any questions, please contact Fernando Pinillios & Esther Bossink under

*Please note, that due to limited spaces, a selection of participants will be made upon registration.

What does it cost?

EUROPARC's Siggen Seminar is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation. As such, this member's event is free of charge. Accommodation and meals are included. Participants will only need to cover their own travel costs.

If you are not part of a EUROPARC member organisation, a small fee might be required.

How can you get there?

The Siggen Seminar Centre belongs to the Alfred Toepfer Foundation and lies on the north-eastern coast of Germany in the county of Holstein. It is a 20-minute taxi ride from the nearest train station, Oldenburg (Holst), and a five-minute bike-ride to the nearest beach.

Download the directions here.

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