Subject: Invitation: Siggen Seminar 2023 - Parks Unlocked; Innovative Financing to Transform Parks across Europe

Invitation: Siggen Seminar 2023
Parks unlocked; Innovative Financing to transform Parks across Europe.

Travel and arrival: 20th March
Seminar: 20th (evening) - 22nd (midday) March
Departure: 22nd of March after lunch.

Dear member,

Every year Alfred Toepfer Stiftung generously hosts EUROPARC members, in their excellent centre in Gut Siggen, North Germany. Here, we enjoy an intense and practically orientated seminar, examining and sharing expertise in a given aspect of Protected Areas work. You can find previous Siggen Seminars here. 

Parks Unlocked; Innovative Financing to Transform Parks across Europe.


This year, we will be taking a deep dive into models that attract private finance to unlock and drive nature restoration at scale. In particular, looking at the role Parks can play in building the market for investing in Europe’s natural capital. Let’s ensure Parks across Europe are investable and can take advantage of that €billion opportunity!


We will examine real life, real time examples from across Europe, identifying the requirements and changes needed in Protected Area network management, that will attract investment.

We will engage in a collective dialogue that will help us look at the current context, in order to transform ideas into specific actions needed to achieve the 30% target of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030.


Attendees need to be in position where they can provide input to scale up nature restoration plans in their region, territory, and country!


The seminar will also be looking at the creation of a scoping project, to develop a feasibility study and tested model, to indicate how such financing can be identified and utilised and what conditions are required to be in place, by Protected Area networks, to attract successful investment. We will be seeking partners to join this project, so interested parties are also encouraged to join the seminar.


The seminar is FREE to EUROPARC members. Participants are only asked to cover travel costs to Siggen.

Please note, that due to limited space, a selection will be made: do not book your travels until we have confirmed your participation.

Deadline for registration: 01/03/2023

If you have any questions, please contact Esther Bossink.

What does it cost?

EUROPARC's "Siggen Seminar" is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation. As such, this member's event is free of charge. Accommodation and meals are included. Participants will only need to cover their own travel costs.

How can you get there?

The Siggen Seminar Centre belongs to the Alfred Toepfer Foundation and lies on the north-eastern coast of Germany in the county of Holstein. It is a 20-minute taxi ride from the nearest train station, Oldenburg (Holst), and a five-minute bike-ride to the nearest beach.

Download the directions here.

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