Subject: Show your products at the Expo

The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo returns on the weekend of March 25-26th, 2023, with the theme "New License - Now What?", where we hope to attract many of the almost 800,000 hams who have amateur radio licenses, but have never been on the air. We hope to do this by promoting our presentations geared towards this amateur radio demographic on social media and by popular ham radio YouTubers.

After 5 previous Expos, our vFairs virtual platform has evolved to provide better "face to face" engagement with attendees in virtual spaces, roundtables, including opportunities for live demonstrations, as well as VOD, brochure and white paper downloads.

Because we are virtual, serving a Worldwide, but mainly USA audience, there are no travel and lodging expenses incurred, making the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo one of the most economical ways to speak with thousands of hams in your target audience in a single weekend.

Please contact us by replying to this email to find out more about connecting to our amateur radio audience.

Attached is a PDF presentation on sponsorship opportunities.