Subject: New QSO Today Transcript - Fred Cady (SK) KE7X

Dear Friend,

With great thanks to Bryan Whitcomb, K7KX, who sponsored the transcript of my interview with Fred Cady (SK), KE7X. Fred was my guest on QSO Today Episode 192, on April 7th, 2018. Fred was an interesting guy, and avid contester and DXer, and I am grateful that you can not only listen, but now read the interview with Fred.

Here is the transcript link:

Here is the audio interview link:

The cost to fund a transcript is $1.25 per minute. If you would like to fund any of the QSO Today episodes, please use the Fund Transcript button on any of the episode show note pages. I now use to make the transcriptions. They do an excellent job.

Have a good week, 73,

Eric, 4Z1UG