Subject: Music Is Subjective..

I was skimming through my IG & ran across this interview Gary Vaynerchuk did with a rapper named Kyle. He had a hit record last year with lil yachty called "iSpy". He was talking about how he wasn't even going to release his record (it ended up going #1 on billboard). But the reason why it even happened is because him & his team decided to start releasing music once a week I believe. Kyles partner turns and asks Gary "What's more important Speed of content or quality?" Gary replies quickly "Speed of content" manager asks why & Gary gives the biggest BAR that I've heard ALL YEAR!! He says "Because quality is subjective".. My entire jaw hit the floor. I pride myself on quality BUT only by my standards. Crazy thing is, the stuff that sells best for me is the SHIT that I just put out that took me 5 minutes lol. So I decided yesterday that I will be dropping beats daily. I'm not holding back anything. You can't base your standards of quality just by your standard. There's a whole world that can define that with you. If you're not signed & you have no budget to put out singles... Don't sit and work on a damn album, put out 10 songs a month & sharpen your ability to get the masses to react. You have nothing to lose except time & while you're waiting to release a fucking album.. Guess what you're wast??? Time. 

2 New Beats Up! 
Epik The Dawn Council, 6464 sunset blvd, 90028, hollywood, United States
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