Subject: Being Vulnerable

When it comes to chasing the dream of being a superstar rapper/singer I think deep down inside most of us KNOW that it's not going to happen. It's a lingering reality we all live in. The fire thing about 2020 & beyond is that you don't NEED to go after STARDOM to build wealth as a musician. 

The internet truly has liberated the artist. I posted a tweet today that says: 


If you make music 

& you're not trying to establish yourself RIGHT NOW...

You will regret it FOREVER... 

This is the digital RENAISSANCE!!!!


The next 5 years is the only time you will have the uncontrolled FREEDOM to build your own audience before the space is monopolized. THE TIME IS NOW! Don't wait!! Don't REGRET! 

I hope you have an AMAZING WEEK! 

Epik The Dawn Council, 6464 sunset blvd, 90028, hollywood, United States
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