Subject: Are you Ready..

I've done some research this week on the total costs for artists to create a top quality album. With beat purchases, recording, mix/mastering, distribution & promotion. At the end it can cost $4000 or more!!!! That's insane. In this past week I've helped a lot of artists with this 500 Beat Pack For $99.. It seemed crazy to me at first to offer something like this, but after having conversations with multiple artists that purchased I realized how big of a deal this is. Not just a financial "Deal" but how it's impacting artists. This is an opportunity to create at scale that no other producer is offering at the moment. I look forward to doing business with you & helping you progress as an artist through this huge opportunity. Blessings & I hope you had a prosperous week. 

Epik The Dawn Council, 6464 sunset blvd, 90028, hollywood, United States
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