Subject: Yes, Guided Healing Circle Meditation This Thursday, June 4th

JUNE 2, 2020


Last month, in this space, I shared Marcy's and my prayers for those who had fallen ill, had died, or lost family and friends to the Covid-19 virus - and our concern that the isolation, lack of resources, and other effects of the virus had combined to create a great deal of stress and dis-connection from the basic goodness of our essential nature.

The same is no less true today, and we continue to send our prayers and express our concern for all of you.

What has changed from last month is the public killing of George Floyd. The taking of his life in Minneapolis has opened the wound of racism once again, in communities across the United States and, like the virus pandemic, across the world.

Our Guided Healing Circle Meditation is not intended to by-pass illnesses of the body, the emotions, the mind, or spirit - or the pain and suffering of each other, our families, communities, our society.

The 3 Doors practice we share on First Thursdays is a support to open our hearts and embrace all the reactive emotions triggered by the winds of aversion, attachment, and ignorance that cause dissatisfaction. Our inherent spaciousness and awareness acknowledges and allows them to breathe, to express, and to heal by hosting them in the warmth of compassion.

We always need healing; it's especially true this month, this week, this Thursday!

This month we remain virtual! We invite everyone to find healing, community and connection by attending our Contemplative Arts' First Thursday of the Month VIRTUAL Guided Healing Circle this Thursday, June 4th, 2020 at 11 AM Eastern.

Newsletter Highlights This Month:



The First Thursday of the Month Guided Meditation Healing Circle is offered on Thursday, June 4, 2020 via ZOOM.

During this Healing Circle, we'll rest in stillness, silence, and spaciousness to connect to our inner refuge: the unbounded openness, awareness, and warmth of inherent healing qualities and intentionally invite the pain and suffering we experience into our meditation practice for  acknowledgement, transformation and healing.

Whether our discomfort stems from physical illness, emotional reactivity, mental challenges, the isolation and anxiety brought about by the Covid-19 Virus, or the George Floyd protests, we can embrace "the one who suffers" with kindness.

Please join us Thursday, June 4th, from 11 AM until 11:45 AM.

Led by Gabriel, the Healing Circle is open to everyone; there is no fee.

To join please follow the link below:

Topic: First Thursday Guided Healing Meditation Circle

Time: Jun 4, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 357 975 2624
Password: @Gabriel
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