Subject: First Thursday of the Year Meditation - Tomorrow!

JANUARY 4, 2023



Sending warm wishes for a healthy, safe, joyful, and creative 2023!

I invite you to join me in a simple resolution for this year. Upon waking in the morning, before moving out of bed and into your day, take a moment to Smile!

First Thursday of the Month Healing Circle, Thursday, January 5, from 11 to 11:45 AM Eastern:
Meeting ID: 357 975 2624
Passcode: @Gabriel

and on the following three Thursdays:

Thursday Meditation Practice, Thursdays: January 12, 19, and 26, from 11 to 11:30 AM Eastern:
Meeting ID: 357 975 2624
Passcode: @Gabriel

Abiding in Presence - Retreat, February 16 - 19, 2023
I'll be leading a three day retreat for deeply resting into the spacious, awareness, and warmth of presence: the "Inner Refuge." The retreat will be held live at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Virginia and also available remotely via Zoom. You can find more details and updates here:

Or email me privately if you have any questions about this practice retreat.

Much Love to Everyone,

If you want to recommend this e-newsletter to a friend, or for directions to our studio, please refer to our website: 
White Lotus Center 1026 W. Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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