Subject: August Newsletter from Contemplative Arts

AUGUST  2017


Welcome to our August 2017 newsletter. We hope you are well and happy and enjoying the warmth of the season.

Newsletter Highlights This Month:

  • September In-House Retreat
  • 3 Doors On-line 9 Month Compassion Project
  • First Thursday Healing Circle
  • Tuesday Evening Open Sitting Practice
  • Yearly Residential Retreat at Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center

Our In-House Retreat is scheduled for Friday through Sunday, September 8th, 9th, and 10th, at Contemplative Arts Meditation Studio in Bryn Mawr.

The retreat will focus on abiding in the natural spaciousness, awareness, and warmth of one's essential nature. Meditation practices of body, speech, and mind will be introduced, explained and guided.

This year we are offering the retreat in morning sessions, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; and afternoon sessions, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. We invite you to attend the entire retreat. However, you are welcome to create your own retreat by registering for individual sessions that meet your personal schedule.

The cost of the entire retreat is $210 or $50 per individual session.
To register, please email Carol Sanders, our registrar, at the email address below and place "In House Retreat" in the subject line:

and then mail your registration fee to Marcy Vaughn - Registration, 2001 Haverford Road, Ardmore, PA 19003.

Alternatively, you can pay via PayPal to

For answers to specific questions about the retreat you may email Gabriel:


Marcy and I are pleased and excited to announce Open Registration for the 3 Doors On-line Compassion Project to begin in late September of this year.

Over the past few years Marcy and I have received many emails and Facebook comments of support for our programs from friends living at a distance. They often contain an expression of disappointment at not being able to take one of our meditation classes or retreats due to location. This was especially true with our recent Compassion Project programs in our Contemplative Arts Meditation Studio.

Finally, with the support of live video conferencing and virtual resource rooms, we are excited to be offering our 9-Month Compassion Project in online format - now everyone can attend.

This interactive online program fits into busy work schedules and is structured with monthly teachings that are supported by guided small group practice/discussion sessions. We can accept up to 60 people.

Please share this opportunity with anyone you know around the globe who might be interested in learning Tibetan meditation methods that support compassionate action and create healthier everyday patterns of body, speech/energy/emotion, and mind.

A full description of our first on-line program, including class dates, the meditation practices introduced each month, small group discussion/practice groups, a comprehensive audio and video resource room, and private Facebook group can be found by following the link below. And again, please share this link with anyone in your personal network interested in self-compassion.

And for an interesting read about the history of the Compassion Project and its expansion to a live on-line program click here:

August 3rd is First Thursday of the Month Guided Healing Meditation at Contemplative Arts Meditation Studio in Bryn Mawr.

Please join us this Thursday, August 3rd, from 11 a.m. until 11:45 a.m., when we offer a guided healing meditation practice. Led by either Gabriel or Marcy, the healing circle is open to everyone; there is no fee.

We offer a period of silent meditation practice every Tuesday evening, from 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. The practice period is open to everyone; there is no fee.

Contemplative Arts Meditation Studio will be open for Tuesday Evening Open Sitting Meditation Practice every Tuesday in August.

Contemplative Arts Yearly Residential Meditation Retreat will take place at Pendle Hill Quaker Retreat Center, beginning Wednesday evening, November 1st, through mid-day Sunday, November 5th. Please save these dates.

More information will follow in an Update soon.
If you want to recommend this e-newsletter to a friend, or for directions to our studio, please refer to our website: 
White Lotus Center 
1026 W. Lancaster Ave 
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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2001 Haverford Road, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003, United States
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