Subject: {YINpreneur Village} 10 Reasons why I'm leaving Facebook 😔

Hi, Friend!

I hope you enjoyed a good weekend. Stopping by to share my thoughts and feelings about my most recent decision to leave Facebook. This is a big decision, and some may be reticent to join me on the new network so I want you to understand my why.

To be clear, this is not a personal divorce but a business separation. I'll still stop by Facebook on occasion to visit friends. But, within the next 30 days, I will complete the move of the YINpreneur™️ Village Community to a private network known as Mighty Networks.

My Why

I came to Facebook reluctantly and have appreciated it for the chance to reconnect with old friends and make new global friends. Yet, for business, I've always been reluctant. For years, I've sought an alternative to create the sacred space I envision for you and our YINpreneur™️ Village. Following are some of the reasons I am leaving Facebook and prefer a private network, in no particular order:

  1. Global Connection

  2. Better than email

  3. Privacy

  4. No Ads

  5. Uploading proprietary content

  6. Enhanced Focus

  7. No issues with questionable algorithm

  8. Customer Service is key

  9. Prefer to use women-owned businesses

  10. Notifications are more fun & easier to follow

In the spirit of growth, I also appreciate that Mighty Network is new energy and Facebook is old energy. Facebook has grown in many ways that I appreciate, yet my preference is for new, fun, colorful and creative ways to connect and engage with you, and other members of my tribe. Important to me is the visceral experience from the moment you enter our Village gate. Those who have already visited commented on how there is "less noise" in our new space.

Join Me in the New YINpreneur™️ Village (private invite)

If any of this moves you and you've yet to join me in our new Village, then click this link and enter the gate into our FREE, Village Green garden. All women are welcome. Once inside check out the Events tab to learn about upcoming Open Houses and Live event gatherings. (a few are special events are only available to those who receive this email invite, and only during our move, including: Autumn virtual retreat, group chat, and Open House = so I can Meet & Greet in our garden)

Friend, hope to see you inside our Village.

From my heart to yours,

If you'd like more detail on each, read on:

  • Global Connection: with Mighty Networks, I am able to offer private groups yet still have a global, non-segregated community in which all the beautiful women in my tribe can gather to share, learn, celebrate and make magic together. In our new YINpreneur™️ Village, this will be known as our Village Green.

  • Better than email: with email, it's a bit of a one-way connection. I email you and if all goes well you read it, and may even reply and connect. Yet, you may never meet any of the other beautiful women in our email community. In our private community, you will have more direct access to me and all the others in our Village. You will also have more choice and control over the information you receive.

  • Privacy: You may be aware of the challenges Facebook has about privacy. The most recent challenges have caused me to reconsider what and how I share on FB. With Mighty Networks, privacy is a priority.

  • Ads: I'm one who prefers TV without commercials. I like my social media the same way. I'm also concerned about the info FB shares in order to encourage their access to my profile for advertising purposes. It means my feed is busier than I prefer, with ads I didn't choose. The private community, Mighty Networks does not advertise to my community nor does it allow others to do so.

  • Uploading proprietary content: This is the main reason I’m not feeling FB. I read the small print & realized we own our content but once uploaded they have the right to "use this grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, and worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content ..." This means my people will not receive the best of what I've created in my FB groups. They'd have to go without or head to a different site to receive. Also, I know folks who got shut down & lost access to their content.

  • Focus: If you are like me, you visit FB and bounce around to different groups or click into the many notifications you receive. It's busy and sometimes exhausting. So much for maintaining my or having your peoples’ undivided attention. The shiny object syndrome is at a high on FB.

  • Algorithm: What is the latest FB algorithm and can the people on your page or in your group actually see the content you post?

  • Customer Service: As far as I know, customer service on FB is virtually non-existent. If I can't receive proper customer service, how can I properly provide customer service for members of our Village?

  • Women-owned business: As a YINpreneur, my desire is to seek out and support women-owned businesses. Mighty Networks is owned by Gina Bianchini, entrepreneur and former CEO of Ning.

  • Notifications: I have a bit of control as to what shows up in my notifications, but not as much as I'd like so that list gets very busy.

FYI, Facebook Terms of Service, you can refer to the Facebook terms of service for more information.