Subject: Ministry Update

September 2021 Ministry Update

Jonathan Schmidt's Testimony

Before meeting Jesus, I lived in deep darkness. I was filled with the fear of God’s punishment and judgment. I ran from Him, and found my way into perversion, the occult, satanism, and witchcraft. The weight of the sin I was committing became increasingly heavy upon me. One day the Lord showed me that the path I was on would end my life very soon. In desperation I called out for Him to save me. Soon after this, I arrived at Pure Life Ministries.

At Pure Life, the Lord began to untangle the lies and deception that I had been hopelessly trapped in for many years. My counselor arranged a “seven-day prayer” for me, an occasion where another staff member joined my counselor and prayed over me for seven consecutive days. The prayers of others began to have a real effect and I began to believe there was hope for me.

The godly atmosphere and prayer quieted my mind, and in the quietness the Lord began to speak. One night I awoke to a spiritual battle going on around me, then clearly heard these words: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” The next morning I searched for the words I had heard until I found them in Isaiah 43:1. The Lord claimed me! Hearing His voice and these words took away the fear that had bound me for years. The devil’s voice was silenced, his accusations no longer held their power.

The Lord showed me that He wanted me to take on the identity of Jesus, His Son. I no longer needed to be His enemy. This is what the Father desired with His whole heart. I began to see Jesus’ love and mercy for me. He gave me the confidence to come to Him and repent!

A short time after this, at a worship service, the Lord broke through to me and convinced me I could trust Him. There in the chapel, and on the prayer trails Jesus revealed Himself to me. I have been so blessed because of Pure Life and for what Jesus has done for me through everyone there.

After graduating, the Lord led me to Tanner Community, a discipleship ministry run by another Pure Life graduate in Williamstown, Kentucky. The Lord is filling me with joy to live for Him. I am getting to know Jesus better through the brothers and sisters he has surrounded me with. Giving my life for Jesus is a small price to pay for what He is doing for me. My desire is to bless Him with my life!

There's Still Time to Register for our Annual Conference!

Over the last 38 years, thousands of Christian men and women have come to us in search of freedom. Freedom from lust and shame. Freedom from the crushing pain of betrayal. And our message has always been that the Truth—and only the Truth—will set them free and keep them free.

But this message isn’t exclusively for those looking to overcome some form of addictive behavior. The lies pervading our culture grow stronger with every passing year, and every believer is susceptible to the enemy’s deceptions—it doesn’t matter whether the lies are tied to the passing pleasures of sin or the empty promises of the world. The only thing that will protect us from the power of these lies is a deep love of the truth.

We are just a month away from our 24th Annual Conference, but there’s still time to register! Please consider joining us as we earnestly seek to give God’s truth greater sway in our hearts, our minds and our lives.

Register now at

Pando App

In 2020, a ministry called God Behind Bars had their back against a wall. For over a decade they had been partnering with local churches to hold weekly services in prisons across the nation, but the COVID-19 pandemic was making it impossible for visitors to enter the prisons. Now what would they do?

Well…they knew that hundreds of U.S. prisons have issued secure tablets to their inmates, providing them free access to entertaining and educational content. And they knew that you could pay to get your content on those tablets if you had an app.💡After a tremendous amount of work, God Behind Bars was once again doing prison ministry through their own app—PandoApp!

Then, in late 2023, the leadership of Pure Life Ministries heard about PandoApp. We immediately gave the opportunity real consideration because we’ve always felt that we should do whatever we can to meet the needs of prisoners. The partnership with Pando would cost the Ministry $1,500 per month, but our content would be instantly available to over 400,000 prisoners!

Once we made the decision to become a partner, we began uploading videos from our most popular series, 20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction by Steve Gallagher. To be honest, the response was stunning. In one week, 1,400 inmates subscribed to our channel and we had nearly 30,000 video views. To put that in perspective, that’s as many views as we typically get on YouTube in a whole month!

Would you please join us as we pray about this new ministry initiative?

Please pray:

  • That more inmates would find our content.

  • That God would bring men and women to real repentance and genuine faith.

  • That God would instill men and women with the hope that they can be forgiven and set free.

NEW! 20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction: A 40-Day Study Journal

We were blown away in 2021 when the 20 Truths series went viral, reaching hundreds of thousands around the world. Inspired by its impact, Steve Gallagher and our outreach team developed a 40-day study journal to help struggling Christians go deeper with the fundamental truths presented in this series.

The structure of this book is unlike anything we’ve ever produced. The truth presented in each video is broken down into two days of study, beginning with a powerful testimony by a Pure Life graduate about the freedom God gave him over sexual addiction. The day continues with a topical Bible study, with insights by Pastor Steve. The study concludes with reflection questions that provide opportunity for personal examination and application.

We believe this book’s unique structure will connect especially well with younger audiences who may struggle to see the dangerous spiritual condition their porn addiction has placed them in.

Look for this new resource on our website in early May.