Subject: Ministry Update

Tyler Hollinger's Testimony

I grew up in a godly home, largely free from worldly influence. However, around the age of 12, I began secretly looking through clothing catalogs we received in the mail for sensual images to feed fantasies that were growing in my mind. It wasn’t long after that when I discovered self-gratification. By age 16, I was watching R-rated movies with sexually provocative scenes, drinking alcohol, and listening to rock music. Though I presented a “good guy” image on the outside, my inward rebellion was growing, and I had a life completely hidden from those around me. In my early twenties, I was baptized after I felt the Lord calling me to follow Him, and for a period of time, I actually experienced freedom from sexual sin. However, once we got access to the internet, the door to pornography was opened and I went back into sin, even deeper than before.

For the next 10 years, I cycled in and out of sexual sin but never experienced lasting victory. During a two-year period prior to coming to Pure Life Ministries, I reached a very dark place and gave up fighting. I gave myself completely over to my sin. In a moment of sheer hopelessness, the Lord broke through. I confessed my sin and was connected to Pure Life Ministries. When I arrived on campus, I was spiritually dead and didn’t feel like I could change. But the Lord began working to expose deep levels of pride and selfishness in my life. He showed me how selfish ambition had taken the place of Himself. He brought me to a place of complete surrender and pursuing Him now took the place of pursuing things.

One of the most impactful things I learned in the program was developing a devotional life. I learned how to give the first and best of my day to the Lord by spending time in prayer and His Word. As my relationship with the Lord began to grow there was a power that hadn’t been there before to overcome the desires of my flesh. When I read through the Gospels, I saw Jesus in a way I had never seen Him before. I saw His humility and that He never did anything out of selfish ambition or for selfish motives. This really impacted me, and I found Him to be more than just my Savior or Friend but an intimate lover. Before coming to Pure Life, I was bound by my own self-effort and striving and could never seem to get anywhere. Proverbs tells us that the way of the transgressor is hard. How true that was for me, until the Lord brought me to that place of surrender and taught me how to walk in His Spirit. I am so thankful for the new life Jesus has given me.

Your Faithfulness and God's Provision

Soaring inflation rates over the past two years have had a major impact on the ministry’s operating expenses and budget. Since our February appeal went out, many of you have given generously to help cover the cost of groceries for our Residential Program ($810 per week), and to date, nearly 11 weeks of grocery costs have been covered. In addition, one individual graciously funded the Memorial Day Picnic ($500) for the Residential Program students and their visiting families. We want to thank those of you who have contributed toward these expenses!

The Lord has continued to faithfully provide for all our needs here, and He has used our donors in a tremendous way. To view the latest updates and progress on current ministry projects, please visit:

The World is Passing Away

In April, over 800 people joined us at the Ark Encounter for our 2023 Annual Conference. Our theme, “The World is Passing Away,” was inspired by 1 John 2:17 and could not have been timelier. This verse shows us that there are two spiritual pathways in life. One spiritual path is traveled by living according to our own fallen desires, and it inevitably leads to self-destruction. One only need glance at the news to see that our culture is traveling at break-neck speed along this path. But the other pathway is traveled by doing the will of God and leads to eternal life.

We are so grateful for those who shared God’s Word with us during the Preconference for Couples and the main Conference.

They preached the word faithfully, and we were shown from beginning to end that a life spent doing God’s will is far better than anything the world offers us.

And of course, we had a wonderful time at our Alumni and Friends Benefit Banquet. Our staff quartet, the Puritones were a hit once again as they sang a testimony medley giving God the glory for everything He has done in their lives. We featured the story of Frank Leonetti, a man whose life was dramatically changed in the Residential Program and who went on to found Mercy Works Ministries. And once again, the Residential Program Student choir brought the house down as they sang about the power of God to break the chains of sin and recreate us into the righteous image of Jesus. Glory to God!

Finally, we want to say a huge THANK YOU to those who partnered with us financially at our banquet. Our generous donors, combined with some post-conference gifts, helped us achieve our goal of $125,000!

Looking ahead, we want to let everyone know that May 3rd and 4th have been penciled in for our 2024 Annual Conference. We will keep you posted as things unfold!

The theme alone was such a conviction to my heart…The powerful, bold messages, worship, testimony film, and fellowship, brought spiritual renewal. What a blessing this ministry is…Already looking forward to next year. -Carole

THERE IS HOPE!!! I needed to see there is life and freedom possible after porn/sexual addiction…Our younger children have sadly witnessed the destructive consequences of sexual sin in their older siblings lives. At the banquet we were seated FRONT and CENTER. God spoke to my heart, “These two children have had a front row seat to witness the bondage of sin and it’s destruction, now I am giving them a front row seat to witness my POWER to REDEEM and set the captive FREE!!!" -Rachel

The speakers were very challenging and the worship was phenomenal. I can’t wait for next year’s conference. It was my first time and I was so impressed. It was well worth the drive from Maine. -Thomas