Subject: Join us for our next Live Sexual Sin Q&A!

Dear Friend,

Mark your calendar for February 3rd at 10AM EST, as we will be hosting another live Men's Sexual Sin Q&A!

Steve Gallagher and the rest of the Pure Life Ministries leadership team will once again be joining us to share biblical principles on this vital topic. We were so pleased with how many people tuned in to our first event and would like to answer more of your questions.

With nearly 4 decades of experience ministering to sex addicts, we have seen thousands of men set free from the bondage of pornography and sexual addiction. So if you or someone you know need help in this area of your life, please join us!

What: Livestream Men’s Sexual Sin Q&A (Part 2)

When: February 3rd at 10 AM EST

Where: Live on our YouTube channel, Facebook Page, Website and Smartphone App

Feel free to reply to this email with any questions you might have. We’ll be praying for this event and we hope to see you there!


In Jesus,

Nate Danser

Vice President for Ministry Outreach

Pure Life Ministries