Subject: 3 Audiobooks For Such a Time as This.

3 Audiobooks For 

Such a Time as This.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people come into our sphere of influence, looking for freedom from sexual sin and its horrible consequences. We offer these struggling souls a variety of resources, including counseling programs, teaching videos and books.

Although our primary mission is to help Christians overcome sexual sin, our calling is deeper than this. We also believe that we are called to be a prophetic voice in the Last Days, speaking unvarnished truth to those who have been intoxicated with the pleasures of the world, lulled to sleep by a lukewarm church culture or totally deceived by a multitude of lies.

In line with this calling, Pastor Steve Gallagher wrote a trio of books for such a time as this—a time of rampant worldliness, widespread spiritual powerlessness and deception. Our earnest prayer is that you (whether you struggle with sexual sin or not) will avail yourself of the wisdom contained in these books.

If you prefer audiobooks, today's your day! We have recently produced three of our most vital resources in audiobook formatIntoxicated with Babylon, Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy, and Walking in Truth in a World of Lies.

These resources are available for direct purchase on our bookstore, or you can find them wherever you get your audiobooks.

May the Lord richly bless you as you pursue a wholehearted devotion to Jesus.

Nate Danser

Vice President for Ministry Outreach
Pure Life Ministries