Subject: Newsflash - Mauritius closes borders to travellers from South Africa and neighbouring countries

Mauritius closes borders to travellers from South Africa and neighbouring countries

After a highly transmissible coronavirus variant – currently named B.1.1.529 – was identified in South Africa and neighbouring countries earlier this week, some countries such as Singapore, Japan, the United Kingdom and other European countries amongst others, have closed their borders to travellers from these countries.

In light of this recent detection, the Mauritian Government announced its decision to close borders to travellers from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Eswatini and Zimbabwe, citing concerns over the public’s health and safety.

The closure will be effective as from Monday 29 November 2021.

As such, all commercial passenger flights from South Africa to Mauritius will be suspended and passengers who have been physically present in any of these countries within the last two weeks preceding the date of arrival in Mauritius will not be allowed entry or transit in Mauritius.

Attention is also drawn to the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will organise repatriation flights for Mauritian citizens as well as Occupational and Resident Permit holders, subject to strict sanitary protocols including quarantine.

Moreover, between today, 26 November and Sunday 28 November 2021 – 23h59, sanitary measures will be imposed on those who have been visiting the above mentioned countries within the last 14 days preceding the date of arrival in Mauritius.

The full communique, which gives further details on these measures, can be accessed here

We endeavour to keep you informed of further development in due course. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please send us an e-mail at

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