Subject: Embird BF Contest - Who is in the lead? :)


Dear Friend

So you may be wondering what is going on in the Embird BF Contest?

Well, luckily for you, there are not many contestants yet. There are currently only 18 contestants with quite a few that are yet to take action.

However, we are about to start advertising the contest and the more contestants that actively starts to promote, the more contestants will start to join the party. So if you would like to get the competitive edge, then the time to start taking big action is RIGHT now.

Your Embird Black Friday Contest Leaders:

So who is in the lead?

  1. Melanie Foley - 1311 points

  2. Constance Reames - 651 points

  3. Susana Parada Cury - 301 points

So are you going to allow Melanie to just walk away with the Sfumato Stitch prize? I did not think so :) There is still a lot of time left in the competition. We are just getting started.

How do I log into the contest?

Just in case anyone is still struggling to figure out how to login to the contest.

Click on the link below and you will see in the top right hand corner the word "login". Click on it and then simply slot in your email address you used to sign up to the contest and you will be right inside your contest page where you can see the social actions that will award you points in the contest and the leaderboard.

Wishing you all the very best of success in our Embird Black Friday social sharing contest.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


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