Subject: Spilling my big news to you first!!

Hey Friend,

I hope overall you have had the most amazing summer. Because you deserve it. :)

Summer at the Saler/MacDonald household turned out to be quite interesting ...

We won't be the Saler/MacDonald household much longer - as Josh and I are getting hitched!!!

This is not the big news I've been waiting to share though, stay with me!!!

So my summer quickly filled up with wedding planning and honestly, taking it easy and enjoying loving my life and my partner ... (or should I say fiancé ... whhaaaat?!)

During this time of focusing on family, being grateful for what I have, and going at a slower pace, I gained some incredible inspiration, which I am so excited to share with you ... RIGHT NOW.

That's right, I'm not making you wait any longer, it's big news and I'm ready to spill it.

You guys are the first to hear about this.

I have not let the news out to anybody else. Not even my fiancé!!

So I hope you listen carefully and don't miss out!!

This September 4th, I'm launching a new project that has been 4 years in the making.

Although 4 years ago I did not know what exactly this project would look like, I did know that I had a lot to share in a big way.

I remember sitting in front of my mirror in my bedroom one night, looking at myself with this deep sense of knowing that something more was out there. Thinking, "This can't be all there is." Demanding that my life change. DEMANDING that I stop hiding and playing small. Demanding that I be happy. Knowing that I had something big and powerful inside that was dying to leap out.

And now my friends, 4 years later, A LOT of twists and turns, awarenesses, learning experiences, intense projects, joyful projects, rediscovering myself, gaining confidence, reading a million books, attending several classes and healing sessions and here we are.

That big part of me that was dying to leap out, is OUT.

Bits and pieces of me have been shared in the past, but this my friend, is the whole shebang ...

A few weeks ago I recorded almost 10 videos in a series called, "Being Who You Truly Are".

It's me on camera, sharing allllll the wisdom that I have learned over the past 4 years. (Well, my whole life, let's be honest it all contributes!)

I lay it all out! No more hiding and playing small, you get it all! It's me being me, sharing my gifts, hoping that I inspire you to be you.

Starting September 4th, in your inbox each week you will receive a brief video with a tidbit of wisdom and an activity to implement what you have learned, all related to:
  • Being who you TRULY are
  • Shining your light without fear, worry and doubt
  • Attracting abundance by simply being yourself
If you're wondering, "How do I make sure I get these videos?" No worries, you're already in!! As a subscriber to my email, the videos will automatically come to you once a week. :)

However, I should note, our email is famous lately for hiding some of our messages in promotions or spam, so if you want to make sure this doesn't happen, you can add me as a contact, or reply to this email letting me know how excited you are! :D That should help them not get lost!

Oh and I forgot to tell you the best part!

If you're wondering these vids are totally freeee!!

I hummed and hawed about for a while, wondering, "What would be the best way to share these videos?" And there was no doubt, weekly, free, tidbits of wisdom, felt right. :)

So far my video editor is the only person to have seen these videos and her response was, "Em, I'm obsessed with them."

So I have a feeling it's going to be goooooood.

"Who am I?"

Is a question we ask ourselves a lot.

With this video series my target is to not only help you know the answer to this question, but to be so freakin' confident and sure about who you are, and how powerful you are, that you are unafraid to shine your light and inspire others to do the same.

That is the goal here.

Who's excited?! :D
Hope to chat again soon.


P.S. I believe in you.
Emily MacDonald, Box 236, R0J 1E0, Minnedosa, Canada
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.