Subject: Did you know that women make for better investors?

They tend to make longer-term investments and take care of their community.

Hi Friend,

Have you signed up for our Chat this Friday? You don't want to miss this one.

Did you know that women makeup about 80% of the farm labor in Kenya, but only hold title deeds to about 5% of the land? As they do not have collateral to borrow against, they are frequently excluded from the financial economy.

That's a problem not only for these women but for society at large. Studies show that when women in developing countries are included, can manage their family's finances, and have access to markets, they save more money than men and make better long-term financial decisions. One of the fastest-growing vehicles for financial inclusion is table banking.

chat about the future

Join us this Friday, August 27th from noon to 1:00 (Pacific Standard Time) to learn how table banking works and see how Matsakha Development Group, our partner in Kenya, is using it to build more equitable futures for all of its members.

Did you miss our last Chat?

How do you create more than one million liters of water security for school children in Kenya? You build 50 rainwater catchment tanks at their schools. Big 25,000 liter tanks designed to last 30 years and made with innovative interlocking stabilized soil bricks. Our new program has the chance to impact the lives of at least 7,000 students of all ages, their teachers and staff, the families they all return to at the end of each day, and community members who rely on water from the schools. Watch our Chat about water for schools to learn how we are building tanks and water security differently.

You can view or register for any of our upcoming events here: View our events

Until our next Chat, be well and be safe everyone.

- Will, on behalf of the Friendly Water for the World community

