Subject: Friend, One last try . . .

Dear Friend,

Can you spare one minute to help stop unwanted and unsafe abortions?

If so, please give a minute to consider the facts below.

First, all of our post-abortion research and outreach efforts were
supported by only 192 donors last year. That's way down from
previous years, and plunged us into a $39,000 budget shortfall.

During our "relentless" April push, however, we've had 58
donors and raised $9232.

(If you have been one of our new or returning donors, thanks!)

Our goal this April has been to find 200 new donors. Our focus
has been on making repeated appeals to our email list of
5100 people.

With only a week left, and only 58 donations this month, it is
unlikely that we will hit 200, but we still have a chance to hit
100 donors . . . if YOU will step up to the plate.

So, please prayerfully consider this appeal.

If you missed why we are so far below making our $125,000 budget
for this year, you can read the explanation here:

Honestly, if you have ever valued any of the information in our
newsletters or websites
-- or have been struck with how our work can save
lives or promote emotional and spiritual healing
for people you care about --
it should be easy to see that your donation can make a BIG difference.

If you have any doubts about whether our charity is one worth
your support, please, look at what we have accomplished here:

Bottom line:

. . . please help us reach our target of 100 donors this month.

Your donation is tax deductible.

Whether your donate $5, or $50, or $500, your donation will
truly save lives and save souls.

Please go to and donate on
line, or give us a call at (217) 525-8202.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours for Life in Christ,

David C. Reardon, Director
Elliot Institute

P.S. -- Please cut and paste this email to forward it to a few
of your friends or relatives who might be interested in our work.

If you do, be sure to delete the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom
of this email so you don't accidentally get unsubscribed!
