Subject: The UnLetter: Letters to the Editor Count Twice or More



The letter

An update on The UnChoice campaign and educational materials from
the Elliot Institute. The UnChoice reflects new evidence that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, many are directly or indirectly forced, and many other human rights abuses and risks that endanger the rights and lives of both the unborn and women. Abortion is ...
 The UnChoice 




(the unchoice) n. definition) 

Most abortions are unwanted or coerced. Many are forced.


Women and girls at risk of coerced or forced abortions.

Homicide #1 killer of pregnant women.

Post-abortion harm and heartbreak ...
mothers are dying, too.


From coerced abortions to forbidden grief, a human rights abuse endangering
both women and unborn children.

help & healing

Authentic choices
for those facing
coercion or other pregnancy challenges; hope & healing for those already hurt.

In this issue ...

 Why Letters to the Editor Online or in Print Still Matter
How to Write Effective Letters that Get Published

4 Sample Letters to Use as a Guide or Idea-Starter
How Timing and Tie-ins Can Multiply Your Impact Even Further

Letters to the Editor Count Twice ...
And Then Multiply Even More

It's not fuzzy math, it's smart economics! Use this guide today or file it away for your next planning meeting. You'll reach many compassionate, interested people with one letter. You can change hearts and minds, inspire action, or give hope and options to those already hurt.

One let
ter costs nothing yet reaches hundreds of readers or viewers while also influencing policymakers, pundits, reporters and editors. Media including journalists from other publications may follow-up by further investigating or covering the story.

In print or online, Letters to the Editor are still an important part of a classic public forum. It's more than a modern-day "soapbox," it's a virtual megaphone. The "powers that be" in all sectors of society keep an eye on the pulse of public opinion. One letter to the editor is considered to represent the views of hundreds of others who share similar views, but didn't take time to write. Politicians, policymakers, media and media watchdogs take note of new, respectfully presented and factually supported information.

Newsworthy: Most Abortions Are Unwanted
Illegal, Yet Common

Evidence indicates that most abortions are unwanted or coerced. It's also true that forced abortions are happening here. This is headline news! It defies conventional wisdom and rationale about "choice" and "safety," before or after abortion. Coercion is seldom reported yet common and illegal, even under current lax abortion laws. This "pre-abortion" reality is a pivotal preface to "post-abortion" harm and heartbreak.

Newsworthy: Women Are Dying, Too, Before or After Abortion

Women are being exploited or killed, not just during abortion but before, such as those abused, marginalized, tortured or killed for resisting. Others die during or after abortion. (For supporting examples, see Forced Abortion in America or our Unsafe:
maternal death rates page.) This is often overlooked in public debates. Facts about pre- and post-abortion risks can also deter those coercing or considering abortion right now or challenge leaders who look the other way.

Tips for Writing Persuasive Letters that Get Published


There are many "do's and don'ts" for writing effective letters. We've summarized them into a handy guide called "Tips for Writing Letters that Get Published." You'll also find tips about how to time your letter in sync with current events and dates for further impact.

Four Sample Letters You Can Use as a Guide

We have four sample letters you can use as idea-starters. But remember to write in your own words and maintain a respectful, non-presumptive tone that simply educates people about important new evidence they may not have heard. We will also be sending you these and other letters one at a time as a reminder in the months ahead.

  1. Most abortions are unwanted or coerced, with serious aftereffects. Abortion puts women at risk, too.
  2. Privately funded studies expose abortion's abuses and risks the government won't research.
  3. Women are coerced or forced into unwanted abortions.
  4. Unwanted abortions are common. Women deserve real choices, not the illusion of choice.

Find these four letters in a downloadable MS Word document, plus other tips and resources on our Letters to the Editor page.

Abortion touches everyone in one way or another. You can write anywhere -- from school, church or civic news sites and publications to youth groups, parents, men's, women's, or senior citizen publications -- and you will reach individuals and families who need to hear this or others who can help.

An Important Reminder

Our work and resources are made possible by the help of generous volunteers and the support of a very short list of sustaining partners. Thanks to them and other partners, we are seeing momentum-changing shifts in education, legislative and outreach arenas.

The Elliot Institute's multi-pronged efforts are working on many fronts.

  • Published academic research documenting abortion's impact before and after abortion
  • Public presentations and media outreach
  • Books and publications
  • The UnChoice campaign and materials
  • Church Awareness Project
  • Content-rich web sites
  • Proactive, abuse-thwarting, rights-defending and life-saving legislation
  • Resources for help, hope and healing
  • Other research, education and outreach, 20 years and counting!

All this and more yield real returns in the effort to expose and stop the injustices and end abortion sooner rather than later.

If you find this work helpful, please consider volunteer or financial support today. Please light one candle today and God bless you as our valuable partner in this work. It matters!

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