Subject: Summer Calendar of Events & Resources



The  letter


An update on The UnChoice campaign and educational materials from
the Elliot Institute, including evidence that most abortions are unwanted
or coerced and about other human rights abuses and risks that endanger
the rights and lives of both the unborn and women. Abortion is ...
 The UnChoice 




(the unchoice) n. definition) 

Most abortions are unwanted or coerced. Many are forced.

Women and girls are at risk of unwanted, coerced or forced abortions.

Homicide is the #1 killer of pregnant women. Post-abortion trauma, injury, and higher death rates ...
mothers are dying, too.

From unwanted abortions to forbidden grief, a human rights abuse that endangers
both women and unborn children.

help & healing

Authentic choices
for those facing
a challenging pregnancy; hope
and healing for
those already hurt.

Summer & Plan-Ahead Event Calendar

Timely Opportunities, Resources & Tools

Now and in the months ahead, the media and major national organizations will be focusing on certain events or topics. People will be thinking about and talking about them, too.

This is an ideal time to educate the public and our own leaders about related issues, especially evidence that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, (common, yet illegal even under current lax abortion laws) and post-abortion injury, heartbreak and maternal death rates, plus resources for help, hope and healing.

Highlights of upcoming events are listed below, with links to related supporting educational tools. Check our Events Calendar often for other opportunities and resources.


Father's Day Outreach –  Before and on Father's Day, which is Sun. June 19. There are many ways for individuals, groups or leaders to participate:

  1. Pray
  2. Share or post our Father's Day ad or flyer
  3. Educate the public using our public relations tools and tips
  4. Share in church or civic events, publications or forums, especially if you're in a men's group.
  5. Share our Men's Page and the Elliot Institute's Special Edition: Men and Abortion throughout this month or anytime.
  6. Join and share our Facebook Father's Day Event Invitation


Summer Events and State Fair Booths

  1. Share introductory educational resources
  2. Hand out and wear fun buttons, T-shirts, hats, etc. as conversation-starters or give them away as prizes drawn after collecting entrant's name, mailing and email address
  3. Print postcards or business-card-sized messages as handouts
  4. Give away a book as a prize and put up a crowd-attracting "WIN THIS BOOK" sign

Back-to-School Plan

  1. Share information from our Teens Page with youth groups and parents
  2. Run small ads in school publications or elsewhere
  3. Encourage educators to create lesson plans using our evidence-based research, educational materials and books
  4. Consider an essay contest or assignment focusing on the legal, medical, human rights and ethical implications of evidence that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, that forced abortions happen in free nations, too, and that women are dying, too.

October or January Pro-Life Events & Rallies

  1. New ProWoman/ProLife Signature Ads & Other Ads
  2. Healing ads and educational materials.
  3. Message Shop - rally signs, ads, products & conversation-starters
  4. Healing Page / Resources to Share - including how to help those being coerced
  5. Billboards and more

Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's Outreach

Holidays are hard for those being pressured to abort or already hurt by abortion, as well as families who lost both an unborn child and a daughter, sister or friend to pregnancy- or abortion-related issues.

Share ads, flyers and materials to educate while deterring individuals and families still at risk and help those still hurting. This includes some teens, mothers and families at risk or already broken by post-abortion trauma, heartbreak or even suicide. Save lives. Share the gift of truth, compassion and hope at Christmastime or anytime.


Complete Events Calendar


Thank you!

Your support saves lives, heals and transforms


Our partners make this work possible. This includes those who donate and those who share these materials, plus many volunteers and organizations who donate their time, talents and resources.

We encourage you to use and share our research-based materials due to the urgency and power of new evidence about abortion's harm to the rights and lives of everyone involved. However, please keep in mind that we need support to help this work continue. Donations, however small, are needed and appreciated. Click here to donate. The smallest contribution helps more than you know!

Sustaining Partners Needed

We are especially in need of new Sustaining Partners who commit to giving any amount, whether it's $5, $50, $500 or more, at regular intervals. Any amount is very helpful and greatly appreciated. If you wish to make a tax-deductible one-time or Sustaining Partner donation, click here (scroll down to item #4 on the page), or call 1-888-412-2676.

Thank you and God bless you for your support!


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