Subject: Sneak Preview. Jericho Plan Book Excerpt, Church Awareness 2012



Church Awareness Project


Coerced Abortion Awareness Week
Sun. April 15 - Sun. April 22


Read a sneak preview of The Jericho Plan book,
then get a free copy to share with your pastor.

This Sunday kicks off a tremendous opportunity to enlighten leaders, open doors, heal broken lives and ultimately "make a joyful noise" in your church! To start the process, simply share a copy of our free book with your pastor.

Of course, there are other things you can do, too, if you wish. Read on to learn more about the Elliot Institute's Church Awareness Project.

In the meantime, we're offering a sneak preview below from The Jericho Plan: Breaking Down the Walls Which Prevent Post-Abortion Healing by Elliot Institute Director, Dr. David C. Reardon. It's based on over 20 years of dedicated research, education and outreach regarding abortion's impact on women, men, families and society.

This book will help pastors and other church leaders to understand pre- and post-abortion issues, and to preach and teach about abortion in a healing and unifying way.

Join the Church Awareness Project to get your free copy of
The Jericho Plan to share -- by mail, email or in-person -- with your pastor and other church leaders. Encourage them to learn about new evidence and a fresh perspective. Share this expert guide to help them address this issue from the pulpit and elsewhere.

You'll receive other materials to share, if you wish, during Coerced Abortion Awareness Week -- or anytime -- plus simple project and outreach ideas that individuals or groups can do.

Extra, Hard-Cover Copies Available, Too, with $20 Donation

Your e-copy is free just for signing up. (No special e-reader is needed.) And, if you donate $20 or more, you can get two hard-cover copies of The Jericho Plan book to share or donate to pastors, church and other leaders, church libraries, seminaries, or elsewhere.

Let us know about your plans. Please share your thoughts, plans, ideas and results with others on our Church Awareness Project blog.

Here is a short preview from the book. Click the link to read more.

Preview of The Jericho Plan


Most of us do not enjoy talking -- let alone preaching -- about abortion. This issue touches a deeply personal and painful memory for many people in our congregations, and many of us would prefer to avoid it. But doing so does not help anyone. Instead, people on all sides of the issue need to look more deeply at this topic in a way they probably have never done before. read more

Links to Resources for the Church Awareness Project 

If you haven't signed up, simply go to our "Join the Project" page and look for the sign-up box to the right or bottom-right of the page. After you sign up, you will receive a free digital copy of The Jericho Plan in pdf form (no e-reader device is needed) plus a sample letter to your pastor and other materials and project ideas.

If you have already signed up, use these handy links to helpful resources:

  1. Letter to Participants
  2. List of Activities and Ideas for Coerced Abortion Awareness Week 
  3. Complete List of Church Awareness Project & Coerced Abortion Awareness Week Resources

Thank you and may God bless your willingness to "light one candle!" Remember to post about your participation, ideas and experiences on our blog!