Subject: Elliot Institute News, Vol. 6, No. 11

The Elliot Institute News
From the Leader in Post-Abortion Research
Vol. 6, No. 11 -- Dec. 14, 2007
Visit us online: www.AfterAbortion.Info


UnChoice Campaign:




Wisconsin Man Charged
With Secretly Giving His Pregnant Girlfriend RU-486


In Wisconsin, Manishkumar Patel is facing felony charges for allegedly putting an abortion drug in his pregnant girlfriend's drink without her knowledge.

According to the Associated Press, Darshana Patel (the couple has the same last name) became suspicious after noticing white powder on the rim of a glass that Minshkumar Patel gave her. She sent the powder to a laboratory for testing, which showed that the powder was mifepristone, which is used in the abortion drug RU-486.

Darshana, who later miscarried, had a four-year-old son with Patel and suffered a previous miscarriage in 2006. She said Patel had been preparing meals for her during her pregnancy. Police said Patel admitted that he brought the drugs from India and said that he didn't want any more children.

The case follows the arrest in August of a Maryland man who allegedly spiked his pregnant girlfriend's drink with a hormone that is used to induce abortion in cows. Lauren Tucker, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time, told authorities that her boyfriend, William Stanley Sutton III, had wanted her to have an abortion but she refused. She and her unborn child were apparently unharmed.

These cases are only part of a number of cases involving violence or other methods used to coerce or force pregnant women into unwanted abortions . (See the report, Forced Abortions in America, at for more information.) Studies have found that homicide is the leading cause of death among pregnant women, and cases of violence against pregnant women are serious and widespread.


Yet women may also be subjected to other forms of coercion to compel them to undergo unwanted abortions, including pressure, threats, and disinformation from counselor and others in positions of authority. In fact, in a survey of women who had undergone abortions, 64 percent of American respondents reported feeling pressured to abort by others, 54 percent said they were not sure about having an abortion, and more than 80 percent said they were not counseled on alternatives or received adequate counseling before the abortion (67 percent said they received no counseling before abortion).

In response to this epidemic of violence and violation of the rights of women, a group of concerned citizens in Missouri have launched the Prevention of Coerced and Unsafe Abortions Act. If passed, this voter initiative would allow women to hold abortionists accountable for failing to screen for coercion or for other known factors that put women at risk for problems after abortion. The Act is based on the Elliot Institute's model legislation and can be viewed online at  More information on how to get involved can be found there as well.







Jericho Plan Cover Art Now Available

Artist Offers Museum Quality Reproductions


Many people have inquired over the years about ordering prints of the beautiful oil painting that is reproduced on the cover of The Jericho Plan. We are pleased to report that Diana Moses Botkin, the artist who created the painting, is making the prints available. She writes:


"I have an encouraging announcement for all of you who have patiently waited for the opportunity to purchase prints of 'Her Choice'. You can now order reproductions at my online print gallery. The link can be found at

"The giclée* reproductions of 'Her Choice' are available in two modest sizes at the site, with options for printing on paper or on canvas. Prints on paper start at less than $25. Reproductions on museum wrap canvas (on stretchers) start at just over $140. As the artist, I think the image looks best on canvas, as this gives an appearance close to the original oil painting.

"For those of you who would like a high-end piece, I will soon have available a larger enhanced giclée* on canvas. Cost will be $295 (unframed) in an approximate size of 12"x15.5", plus $15 S&H. Hand-enhancement (applied textured brush strokes) on the canvas reproduction gives a look very close to the original oil painting.


"There are framing options at the site if want to order your reproduction ready to hang. Additionally, I'm offering several other requested Christian theme prints. Purchases have a 30-day money back guarantee, and are shipped safely."


Diana's work can be viewed at A portion of the proceeds of the sale will be used to benefit pro-life ministries and research. If you are interested in ordering a print, please email Diana at

* giclée (zhe-clay) A giclée print is a high quality museum grade reproduction which provides better color accuracy than any other printing method. Images are created using high resolution professional digital scans of originals, and premium inks are sprayed on a variety of substrates (art papers or canvas). The resulting image has a continuous tone with no noticeable dot pattern.




12 Ways to Help Spread the Unchoice Message

#11: Support Post-Abortion Ministries


If Americans knew the truth about unwanted, misinformed or forced abortions ... they would not push women to abort or deny them the opportunity to heal. Millions still suffer in the wake of a procedure that was never safe ... never just ... and never about free or fully informed choices.

Americans have been kept in the dark and many unwittingly push their daughters, wives, sisters or friends into unwanted and dangerous abortions. Meanwhile, countless women who have lived the abortion nightmare are resorting to despair or even suicide. It is urgent that we educate others about abortion's injustice and danger to everyone involved. With your help, we can stop others from pushing abortion in lieu of authentic choices and offer renewed hope and healing to women, men and families hurt by abortion.


Below is just one way you can help this important effort. To see the complete list of 12 Ways to Help, click here.


11. Support Post-Abortion Ministries

Consider supporting your local post-abortion ministries as a donor, volunteer, or board member.  National ministries can provide information about associated ministries in your area that could use your support. Or there may be a church, pregnancy center or other local group in your area that provides post-abortion counseling (look in the Yellow Pages under "Abortion Alternatives).

The Elliot Institute relies on your generosity, too. All of the Elliot Institute's work is funded through the support of people like you. We have a very small mailing list and a very small budget, so your donation makes a very big difference!

Please consider becoming a Sustaining Partner in our ministry by making a pledge for monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual donations. This allows us to spend less time fundraising and more time doing the urgent work at hand. It also frees us up to plan ahead, vs. wondering whether the money will come in!  Donate on-line, or mail donations to: 

Elliot Institute

P.O. Box 7348-WBU

Springfield, IL 62791  





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