Subject: Counter "Certificates of Death" With the Gift of Life & Hope



Planned Parenthood is selling
holiday gift certificates this year.
Here's what one will buy ...






"Extremely distressed, tears streaming down my face,
stifling the sobs that were now coming, I signed the papers
[at the abortion clinic]. ... Alone, in a strange place,
I was in a crisis situation, obviously distressed ...
a box of Kleenex
was the extent of the counsel I received."


Dear Friend,

Unfortunately, we hear stories like the one above every day from women who've been there. Our published research shows it, too. Most abortions are unwanted or coerced and many -- even in America -- are directly or indirectly forced. Sometimes violently. Few Americans know that homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women. Few know that maternal death rates are nearly 4 times higher among women who have had abortions.


We're trying to change all that.


For 37 years, the voices of millions of women and their unborn children have been silenced with the cultural equivalent of a KleenexTM


In this context, America's largest abortion provider dares to respond to the needs of women with holiday gift certificates for their "services." For pregnant women who want or need and deserve real help, love or practical support, not pressure to abort, this is an insult, not a gift.


For those who understand the true meaning of Christmas, it is also a mockery of life, of God and of the young, homeless and impoverished mother of God who was turned away because there was no room in the Inn.


Mockery "Energizes" Planned Parenthood Supporters


Unfortunately, mockery is an effective fundraiser that "energizes" Planned Parenthood supporters. Like their "Choice on Earth" holiday cards from years past, rejecting Christmas and Christian values is good for business.

"Our supporters are so energized by the vicious criticism of our holiday card that we're printing additional cards and limited-edition 'choice on Earth' T-shirts," -- Planned Parenthood President Gloria Feldt


Unfortunately, well-funded marketing works. If Americans knew how many women are funneled into unwanted abortions, abused or even killed for refusing abortions (homicide is the #1 killer of pregnant women), or at risk for physical and emotional injury or even death, they would not consider this "health care," "choice," or even humane.


Literally and figuratively, women are dying, too.


In such a context, one might call Planned Parenthood's gimmick a "death certificate" ... lethal to both mothers and unborn children.


Counter "Certificates of Death" with the Gift of Truth, Hope and Life 


We don't have Big Abortion's marketing budget. We don't "energize" our supporters by mocking God. But we believe in David and Goliath, having faith the size of a mustard seed, and the power of a small but faithful remnant. Above all, we believe in the reign of the small Child born in a humble manger that first Christmas.


We believe in the power of truth and the need to shed light on "the rest of the story."


With your help, we will to do all that we can to expose the whole truth about abortion, and how it is exploiting and endangers unborn children and the mothers, fathers and families involved.


Beyond "Vicious Criticism" ...
the Light of Evidence-Based Science,  Compassion and Truth


This Christmas, consider countering Planned Parenthood's damaging "death certificates" with a gift that can help bring light and life to those most at risk.


If you've already given us financial support, prayers and words of encouragement this year, or shared our information and materials, thank you so much. You truly are helping to spread the light of truth to others.


There is still time to make a year-end, tax-deductible gift to the Elliot Institute to support our many research, education and outreach projects. Your gift will help ensure that women, men and families will be given more than just a proverbial box of tissues.


Truth is, the only thing your gift may have in common with a box of tissues is the power to say "Bless you!" ... and mean it!


Your support will be a blessing to us and to countless women, men and families at risk, as you help us share the truth and work to end abortion with compassion.


Merry Christmas, and may Jesus -- for whom this holy season was named -- bless you!


from all of us at the Elliot Institute



To make a donation:


1. Click here to give online;
2. Call 1-888-412-2676 to give by credit card;

3. Mail your donation to: Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield, IL 62791.



The Elliot Institute is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
Donations are tax-deductible,
and receipts will be provided upon request.



Thank very much for your support!