Subject: A Choice Between Barrenness and Death? (EI News, Vol. 10, No. 5)


The Elliot Institute News  
From the Leader in Post-Abortion Research
Vol. 10, No. 5 -- October 14, 2011


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"She Shouldn't Have to Choose Between Barrenness and Death"

Contraception, HIV and Population Control


Simcha Fisher at the National Catholic Register has some insightful comments on a new study finding that injectable contraceptives are linked to a higher risk of HIV infection.


She quotes a World Health Organization epidemiologist who calls the situation a "dilemma," explaining, "We want to make sure that we warn when there is a real need to warn, but at the same time we don't want to come up with a hasty judgement that would have far reaching sever consequences for the sexual and reproductive health of women."


Continue reading ...






Eleven Years of Harm

More Than A Decade After FDA Approval,
RU-486 Is Used to Abuse and Exploit Women


This year marks 11 years since the RU-486 abortion drug was approved for use in the United States. According to a report released this summer by the Food & Drug Administration, the deaths of at least 12 women and more than 2,200 adverse effects have been reported since the drug was approved.


The deaths include that of 18-year-old Holly Patterson, who died in 2003 after being told by Planned Parenthood that the symptoms she was experiencing after an RU-486 abortion were "normal." Her family has now launched a web site to share Holly's story and warn the public about the risks of RU-486.


Read our special report on RU-486. Learn how it is used to abuse and exploit pregnant women and their unborn children, and the link to the population control adgenda. You can also share this report with others on your web site, blog, social networking sites and other outlets.


Continue reading our special report ...









Healing After Abortion Day for Women in Rockford, IL


Project Rachel/Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Rockford, Illinois is sponsoring "Healing After Abortion: A Day of Prayer and Healing for Women." The event will be held Nov. 19 from 9 am - 5 pm. A $10 donation is suggested (lunch will be provided). To learn more or register, call 815-399-4300 ext. 381, or email Registration deadline is Nov. 11.




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