Subject: 💡🤩 It starts with YOU! Be a part of the change in IVF!

Dear IVF warriors and intended parents,

We are inviting you to share your experiences in our brief, anonymous survey about IVF treatment abroad. Your insights are crucial in helping shape better fertility care for others. 🤗 Anyone who has undergone, is undergoing or is considering IVF treatment abroad may participate.

Why participate?

  • It takes only 5 minutes. Your experiences can make a real difference.

  • The survey is completely anonymous.

  • We'll donate €1 to a fertility society for each submission.

How to participate?

Click here to get started.

Thank you for trusting us with your journey and making a brighter future possible for others who are at the beginning of their path to parenthood.

Warmest regards,

IVF Media Team 💜

An online safe space where you can discuss your specific IVF concerns and receive personalized recommendations for IVF or egg donation treatment? Yes! Take the next step on your fertility journey and book a FREE 30-minute online fertility consultation with IVF and egg donation experts from Spain.

📅 When? March 7 | Consultations are held between 11 AM - 5 PM CET.