Subject: [CRASHED] MailerMatic's Fault...

Can You believe it? OMG!

Dear Valued Member!

Hey All!


I apologize if you "TAPPED" the links in my last message and got an Error Message...

It's MailerMatic's Fault!

The New Pr0-duck Launch of MailerMatic sent such a wave of buyers through my website, that my Site Crashed!

I've spent about 24hrs trying to revive my website...

...But it is Still Down, and waiting for Tech Support to revive it!

SO... I've left that behind and took the last 12hrs to move to a new server and Re-Create all my Video and Bonus Pages for MailerMatic!

Please show me that all this grief and hard work has not been wasted on you...

Check out my B0-nuz Page:


The truth is, a "revolutionary, new breakthrough" hits the online marketing world every single day now.

Most of them are just hype.

You've probably heard this myth: "You're just one email sales funnel away from a million dollars," or something very like it.

You've probably also found out that it's almost impossible to execute unless you have a huge team and expensive, complicated software.

What if I told you there IS a way to automate and optimize your email delivery that:

* is 100% Beginner Friendly

* Has Unlimited Uploads

* Allows UNLIMITED Sends and Automations

* Requires NO Double Opt-in

* Has Inbuilt Spam Trap Technology

* Brand-able Embed Forms, Advanced Analytics Tools, and Flexible Automation Functions...

* Has it's own built-in SMTP, so you can send right away without fussing over technical connections...

All with...NO MONTHLY FEES—ever (available only for a limited time!)


=> Check Out my revised Bonus Page and Visit their site quick, while it’s still at a one time fee:

You'd probably assume it costs an arm and a leg to get reliable delivery from an email service provider that won't ban you.

It should.  Most High Quality Autoresponder services are ATLEAST a hundred a M0nth and still Limit the number of subscribers you can have without levying additional f' ees!

But it doesn't. You can get the all-new, world-first MailerMatic During This New Product Launch Period... for only $36.47! And no monthly fees—EVER.

Would YOU give 37... to receive 2,197??? That's the Real World Value of my B0-nuz Bundle... when you Grab MailerMatic from my link...

GAME ON!  I've made this a Digital Marketing "NO Brainer"!

=> Click to see all the bonuses you'll receive when you get Instant Access to MailerMatic from any of the links on This Page NOW!


  Very Best Regards,

  ~ Mike Mospan ~
E-business Amplified

AND... If you act now, you get these two bo nuses from the vendor, too:
#1 Upgrade to 100 Drag & Drop Email Templates + 2 Each Month
#2 Email Marketing Video Training Series

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