Subject: [~ MM ~] WARNING: Only Open If you have a good sense of humor...




We were really worried about our f'riend...


...He had started to drink brake fluid on a regular basis.



He was drinking it for breakfast, at lunchtime, and every evening.


Being such a sensible individual, it was all a bit out of character.


So, we decided we couldn't stand by and do nothing.


We sat him down to make him see sense.


But he told us not to worry as he could stop anytime.



If that one wasn't for you, how about this one to put a smile on your face...


My dad's sight is really starting to go.


The other day he fell in a hole filled with water...


...I guess he couldn't really see that well.



In the words of the Readers Digest; 'Laughter is the Greatest Medicine', so if you have a favorite funny of your own, I'd love to hear it.


Don't take life too seriously and have yourself a great day.



All The Very Best,


~ Mike Mospan ~


Just a quick reminder about the guide I mentioned to you previously.


The ability to write engaging emails is essential when communicating with your subscribers.


(Well it is if you want to have your subscribers stick around and act upon your suggestions)


For example, every time I send out an email to my subscribers, I can guarantee an influx of cash.


It’s not new


It’s not rocket science


...but it just plain works.


Maybe you already know this, but perhaps you find it difficult to know what to write or how to get your subscribers to WANT to read your emails.


If that is the case, this will be just the thing.



~ Mike Mospan ~

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