Subject: [~ MM ~] Are you missing the forest, for the trees?


As many of you know, my wife Ginny and I are in Florida right now, for our "brick & mortar business.  We'll be working down here for the next several months, while I also continue to work my Digital Mrkt'g business ( That's the awesome thing about working Digitally... you can do it anywhere!)

So just the other day, we hear there would be a Seafood Festival in Tarpon Springs, which is only about 40 minutes away from our Tampa Home-Away-From-Home, and since we love seafood AND Tarpon Springs (the "Flaming Cheese" that can be had at many of the awesome Greek Restaurants there... Is A Must Try!)  decided to go!

So we picked up our worker and dear friend, Jessica, and headded to Tarpon Springs!

We Parked toward the beginning of the seaside "strip" and decided to walk down to the festival, but as we approached the end of the "strip" we descovered the google location for the festival was incorrect!  The Seafood Festival was actually another 20 minutes walk away!

The Festival was being held In The Park!


We were there early, and there was still plenty of time to attend that festival and enjoy all that lucious seafood!


The same cannot be said of the amazing offer of Michael Cheney's that is about to end!

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All The Very Best,

~ Mike Mospan ~

P.S. If the page is closed, I'm sorry. Michael’s team has to close early sometimes due to overwhelming demand. So please take the deadline seriously...


~ Mike Mospan ~

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