Subject: [~ MM ~] AVOID This Web-Disease...

This is a “heads up” email because something big is about to disrupt the I.M. space.



Ever heard of “banner blindness”? It's a term that represents the phenomenon of getting used to something you see online so often that it becomes virtually invisible to you.


Websites have to rotate banner images and placement all the time because of banner blindness. I’ve noticed that the same sort of thing happens to me with webinars.


Webinars happen all the time nowadays, and you’ve probably developed “banner blindness” to them but I want to make sure that doesn't happen to you here.


DO NOT MISS THIS WEBINAR… this is not one of those “hypey” sales pitch webinars.


This is the earlybird webinar for Omar Martin & John Thornhills's BEST BLACK FRIDAY SALE EVER.


DATE: Thursday November 24th 2022
TIME: 9:00 PM Eastern




Why is that important? (I’m glad you asked!)


1. Omar & John are Internet Marketing powerhouses. Omar joined John’s very first coaching program way back in 2008 and Omar went on to become John’s most successful student generating over 8mill in online sales and this is the first time they have teamed up for an offer like this.


They’ve been doing this for over 15 years and they ROCK at it. They develop amazing software and training products for online business owners.


2. On this free webinar they will show you how they create consistent cash flow in their business. They will actually show you their exact income streams. (This is genius and you need to see it)


3. All attendees will get a sneak peek at the products that they have bundled and discounted by 99% for Black Friday.


4. Attendees that stay till the end of the webinar will each receive a free discount coupon that even FURTHER discounts the 99% OFF!! (This is nuts.)


Thursday is Thanksgiving night, you’re gonna be home anyway so put a reminder in your phone right now and BE ON THIS WEBINAR.



All The Very Best,

~ Mike Mospan ~

Get registered NOW for that Pre-Launch Webinar!  Seats are filling up fast!


AVIOD This Web-Disease!  Don’t get “banner blindness” on this one or you will surely miss out because I’ve NEVER seen a sale like this before.


No matter where you are on Thanksgiving night, tune into this webinar at 9:00 PM Eastern.


~ Mike Mospan ~

 Digital Marketer

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