Subject: TR@TC Induction and Beyond I November 2021 I Educator Resource Newsletter

Induction and Beyond

November 2021 I Educator Resources

A message from TR@TC...

Thursday, November 4th, 2021 was the first, and main day, of the annual celebration of Diwali, a religious holiday celebrated by Hindus across the world. This five-day festival of lights is one of the most popular holidays in India, and it is accompanied by festivities and prayers to honor the Hindu goddess of prosperity, Lakshmi.

As we enter a season that is generally known for its luminous festivities, we do so with the hope that this is a time of prosperity, in all its forms, for you and your school communities.

Yours in appreciation,

Julissa DiLoné

TR@TC Induction

Special Announcements

Applications are OPEN!!!

Teaching Residents at Teachers College is recruiting for the Summer 2022 semester. 

This year, we are continuing the practice of admitting students in the spring and summer semesters. We are currently in the process of reviewing applications for spring. If you know someone who is interested in teaching in NYC public schools, please share this information with them.

Visit our website for information about office hours and info. session dates


Several schools have reported shortages in the areas of SPED, ENL, Science, and Math. If you or someone you know is looking for a teaching position, please click here to view most urgent vacancies shared with us.

Note: Some schools are accepting Trans B and Internship licenses at this time.

If you are an administrator wishing to share your vacancies, please feel free to email to have your vacancy added to the list.

Join us in signing petitions S.6600/A.749, which eliminates the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) requirement for admission to teacher and school leader graduate education programs, and S.5666/A.7490, which increases the allowable exemption from the 3.0 GPA and GRE or equivalent exam requirements for admission from 15% to 50%.

These two bills will remove arbitrary barriers that disproportionately affect students of color who want to be teachers. With this legislation New York can increase teacher diversity and remove a discriminatory barrier to graduate admissions.


As we read through the responses to our alumni updates survey, we've noticed many of you have expressed interest in connecting with other alumni and TR@TC staff, via in-person community event.

On Wednesday, December 1st, our programming partner, Success in Motion is planning to host an in-person Paint Night event. However, we can only book this event if we have at least 30 guests signed up. Will you join us for an evening of painting, free teacher goodies, and lots of laughs? Click here to RSVP

Educator Grant Opportunities

We look forward to re-opening our TR@TC Alumni grants in the coming months.

In the meantime, check out an opportunity shared by Scholar and Induction Mentor, Wendy Barrales

Building on 3 years of collaboration with educators to develop lesson plans inspired by photography projects, the Photoville x PhotoWings Educator Grant is an opportunity for educators in the Photoville community to receive resources and support to implement a photo-based lesson from the Photoville Educator Resource library in their classroom and produce a culminating exhibition of student work.

For the 2019 – 2020 school year, two educators were selected to received a $1,000 cash grant and a $2,000 production budget.

This grant is open to all New York City educators who have participated in a Photoville Education program in the past.

The Photoville x Photowings Educator Grant is produced with support from PhotoWings.

Induction Highlights

Alumni Highlights

This month, we want to highlight TR@TC Graduate, Chelsea Martinez and her Co-Teacher Jane O'Connor, of TYWLS Bronx.

Healing Centered Practices and Relationship Building

Chelsea has taken a creative approach to integrating healing centered practices in her school. Here are a few photos of the students in her Bullet Journaling Club, and some of their creations.

It is often said that a strong teacher first does the work they intend to have their students do. Co-Teachers Chelsea and Jane took this to another level by centering relationship building in their opening narrative writing unit, and sharing their personal narratives with incoming 6th graders. Kudos to this Co-Teaching team for modeling collaboration and highly effective instructional practice!

Sharing credits: Amy Nelson

Induction Mentor Highlights

Over the past 3 years, veteran educator and Induction Mentor, Amy Nelson, has been a lifeline to our teacher network as she's supported them in navigating tricky NYCDOE and UFT related dilemmas. It is with great pride and joy that we celebrate her recognition as a Trachtenberg Award recipient. Each year, the UFT commemorates the anniversary of the teachers union by honoring outstanding chapter leaders who "exemplify how the union can empower and organize members to use their professional voices to advocate for students, for the safety of our school communities, and for public education." Amy Nelson, we applaud this well-deserved award, and thank you for your continued support of TR@TC Alumni!

Fun Fact: Amy also happens to be one of Chelsea's Mentors!

Raising Consciousness

The above phrase is borrowed from an annual cultural festival that originated in Berkeley, CA. The purpose of the festival was to raise awareness about the history of Thanksgiving and celebrate Native American heritage. In the following we offer a few resources to support you in exploring this topic with your students.

Rethinking Thanksgiving Celebrations:

Native Perspectives on Thanksgiving

"For many students, Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude and be with family. Teachers often include fun activities related to the holiday in their classrooms. When teaching about Thanksgiving, it is important not to misrepresent Native American cultures. Native traditions have developed over thousands of years and are distinct and complex. They are also specific to each individual tribe. Projects and crafts that attempt to adapt or copy Native traditions tend to perpetuate stereotypes of Native Americans. For example, we discourage adopting "Native" costumes into your classroom. Instead, incorporate Native knowledge into your lesson plans with the provided resources below. We encourage you to celebrate the vibrancy of Native cultures through Native American art, literature, and foods while you celebrate Thanksgiving..."

Source: The Museum of The American Indian

Additional Resources:

Sharing Credits: Ra Ruiz Leon, Gladys Aponte, Rosalina Diaz

"As many Americans prepare for a very different, distanced Thanksgiving this year, we wanted to share this video interview of Larry Spotted Crow Mann about his book, The Mourning Road to Thanksgiving. Massachusetts State Senator Jo Comerford interviews Larry about how his book, which conveys the complex history and experience of Thanksgiving from contemporary Native American perspectives..."

Curriculum Planning Tools

Learn, Grow, and be Inspired with our featured podcast playlist. 

*Feel free to send us your favorites by clicking the feedback link at the bottom of this newsletter.

Sharing credits: Suzanne Pratt

From the desk of Christian Wu, Educational Technology Guru and Dean of Mathematics at a NYC Public School. In addition to completing his Doctoral studies, Christian has been hard at work developing a variety of resources for teachers who want to integrate technology in the classroom. Click here to access his extensive list of tech tools. We will repost this resource monthly, as it is a live document, and will be updated periodically.

From Our Library, to Yours

This month, as the holiday season approaches, our thoughts are on many things, especially food! Hope you enjoy trying out some of the recipes found in these books (feel free to send us photos/videos of your culinary masterpieces).

Click on book images to activate hyperlinks

*If you'd like to add to next month's book list, feel free to complete the feedback form linked below.

Professional Learning

"The current assault on critical race theory and antiracist pedagogy by right-wing is unintelligible without the insights offered in Fugitive Pedagogy and Givens’ inspirational stories of Black educators who faced down intellectual abuse and physical violence to create counter-narrative curriculums that were “a literary genre inaugurated by runaway slaves . . .

Sharing credits: Aimee Katembo

Storyline, Arts & Democracy, The LP, NOCD-NY, USDAC - Tuesday November 9th

How can we tell stories of crisis that can energize and bring hope to our communities, and support structural change?

Last month we had the privilege of connecting with Brian Jones, Director of the NYPL's New Center for Educators and Schools, and we are really looking forward to partnering with him to make their many resources and programs more accessible to you and your students. In the meantime, "check out what's on the line for November and note that New York State educators in either the online or in-person workshops can receive CTLE credits. See links below for details and free registration" ~Brian Jones

Workshop: Reading Black Reconstruction

Saturday, November 13, 12:00 PM, Online

Facilitated by Brian Jones, PhD, director of the NYPL Center for Educators and Schools, former director of Education at the Schomburg Center.

Between the Lines | W.E.B. Du Bois: Black Reconstruction
Thursday, November 18, 6:30 PM, Online
Join us for a virtual conversation with scholars Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Eric Foner, the editors of W.E.B. Du Bois: Black Reconstruction, moderated by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, professor of African American Studies at Princeton University and recent MacArthur Fellow recipient. Presented in partnership with Library of America (LOA).

Workshop: Abolition Now, Reconstruction Now

Saturday, November 20, 12:00 PM, Online

Facilitated by Mariame Kaba, an organizer, educator, and curator, and the author of the New York Times bestseller We Do This ‘Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice.

Lastly, the Schomburg Curriculum Project is making great progress, but we need your help with the final unit on Black Women's Stories. Please click here to take a short (5 min) survey about how Black women show up in your curriculum and what we can do to support your teaching. We greatly appreciate the feedback from educators who understand the importance of this work.

Special thanks to Induction Mentor, Dr.Robert Robinson for facilitating this connection and to Katie Ledwell for sharing these offerings

Exclusive MfA opportunity for TR@TC Alumni 

MfA is offering lots of exciting professional learning to our Math and Science teacher community!

  • Fall Workshop Offerings: These select workshops qualify for CTLE credits and offer a variety of strategies to support your learning and development. Sign up and complete this form to request CTLE certificate.

  •  Fall Wednesday Webinar series: This series invites a speaker to share their work for the first hour, and then invites participants to spend the second hour in small carefully constructed groups thinking about the implications of the speaker’s work on their classrooms. Alumni are free to sign up using the link here.  Email for list of upcoming speakers.

Build Your Team’s Skills With DG Professional Learning Courses!


  • SpEd Leadership Group

  • Consortium Liaison Meeting

  • Math Diagnostic Workshop 2 - Looking at Student Work

  • Literacy Diagnostic Workshop

  • Consortium Principal Meeting

  • Consortium Moderation Study

  • November – Consortium Teacher Intervisitation Month (email to receive an updated list of schools who have signed up for these).

The CRE by Design Online PLC is a new approach to equity-focused professional learning for teams of teachers, coaches, and leaders. It is a 5½ month experience where we focus on helping students become cognitively independent learners to help schools begin to actualize their equity goals.

The PLC runs from January 17, 2022 (MLK Day) through June 30, 2022. Registration will require an application. Applications will open in the next three (3) weeks.
Subscribe to the blog for more info.


Excerpt from blog:

How To Make Your Subconscious Mind Your Ally

"The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse of our memories—thoughts, information, skills and experiences. If our brain is likened to a computer, our subconscious mind is the hard drive that stores all the information it has more....

This blog is written by Ramona Diaz, entrepreneur, veteran NYCDOE educator and wellness advocate.

Marc your calendars for Melida's upcoming Monday Morning Yoga sessions!

As NYC teachers return to in-person teaching, our wellness partner, Success In Motion, continues to offer teacher wellness that is responsive to their scheduling needs. Check out the November updates and be sure to join the team for VIRTUAL Restorative Yoga, Cardio, and Stress Management!

Sign up for sessions ONLINE or by downloading the Success In Motion App. 

Go to the "Open To All Educators" tab and select the session you wish to attend.

Log on to ZoomHERE | Meeting ID: 325 361 1874

Life as a Teacher

  • When does it make sense to resign from the DOE v.s taking a leave or sabbatical? - BEFORE you decide, let us connect you to Amy Nelson, TR@TC Induction Mentor, Seasoned Educator, Award Winning UFT Chapter Leader, and Teacher Sustainability Advocate. In the meantime, check out her #KnowYourRights guide by clicking  here.

Other Resources

Image source

  • Businesses Who Love Teachers - Special thanks to Stephanie Rivera (TR@TC Class of 2019) for sharing this amazing list of discounts for teachers. Click here to access.

  • PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION - Are you ready to apply for your Professional Certification? Email for more information about this important career milestone.

  • ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATIONS - The process of adding certifications to your existing NYS licenses can be daunting. Let us help you! Email to connect with your certification department.

After completing your 3rd year of teaching, you may want to apply for this advanced and prestigious certification. Devon Shaw, a TR@TC Alumnus, is leading National Board Certification workshops, through TR@TC. Email him at for details.

Did you know that the NYCDOE offers FREE, over-the-phone interpretation services, in over 250 languages? Click here to access step-by-step instructions, and begin connecting with the families of your students, regardless of the language they speak at home.

*Speak to your school's Language Interpretation and Translation Coordinator for information on how to translate documents and other materials.

Get Your TC Alumni ID and Stay Connected!

  • Reserve rooms in the TC Library  (Beginning late fall'21)

  • Activate your permanent gmail account

  • Access partner discounts

*Week of 11/8/21, all TC ID holders receive discounts at various restaurants during "Taste of Harlem Week"

This newsletter is continuously evolving.Your feedback helps us make it a meaningful and relevant source of information. How are we doing? Anything else you’d like us to include in the newsletter? Click here to give us your feedback.

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