Subject: You Can Join Us On This Ride!

Dear "DriverX" Subscribers,

We're going to be launching our Kickstarter Campaign very soon and we can't wait to share it with you.  Of course, we're looking for money to finish the film, but more importantly, this campaign gives us a chance to connect the film with our fans--YOU! And since this is a film about Ridesharing, sharing what we're doing is even more fitting. 

So, what can you get from visiting our campaign page? Well...

  1. You'll get a chance to finally see some footage from the film! Be sure to watch our campaign video for a sneak peek.
  2. You'll have the opportunity to snag some great rewards that will connect you directly with us and the filmmaking process. Get your name in the credits; take a virtual "Uber" ride with writer/director Henry Barrial; take an actual Uber ride with our star, Patrick Fabian; become an Associate Producer on the film. These are just some of the rewards we will be offering.
  3. You'll be making this film a possibility. Filmmaking today is easier than ever, and harder than ever. It's easy to pick up a cell phone and shoot something. But to hire a professional crew and cast actors you already know and love, and shoot with all (well, some) of the bells and whistles audiences are accustomed to, takes money. We scrimped and saved and borrowed what we could to get this movie in the can. To get it out of that can, we're asking for your support. You will make it all possible.
So, when the big day comes, we hope you'll visit the page, watch the video, and if you like what you see, drop a little change into the kitty, (or a lot of change--we're not picky!). And we hope you'll spread the word. We only have 30 days to make our goal and that's part of the fun. That's what makes this exciting, and frankly, a little terrifying! 

When will that day be? Well, we're putting the final touches on the page, so it will be any day now. Likely this Wednesday or Thursday. You'll get another email from me once we launch with the subject line, "Our Kickstarter Campaign Has Launched!" So, stay tuned! 

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey!

Mark Stolaroff

2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
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