Subject: September 1 - Join in Prayer - Holy Hour for Our Nation Begins Soon!


Dear Friend,

Join us for a holy hour for our nation. Wednesday, September 1, 2021: Fr. Ron Mathews & Ed Weber of Holy Family Ministries w/Dave Maroney; Manhood Modeled by St. Joseph, the Foundation of Holy Families

Check out what one member has to say about these holy hours:

"What a great talk about Our Lady of Kibeho [given by special guest Greg Amaya, Aug 1, 2021]. I always look forward to the monthly Divine Mercy for America holy hour novena. I try to join live but when I miss it, I look forward to watching every video in your channel. Thank you for continuing such a great novena for our country and having different guests to talk about their ministries and other interesting subjects that bring us closer to God!"


Greg Amaya - Our Lady of Kibeho

ZOOM-IN with Us For Live

Holy Hour Novena for Our Nation

September 1 - 9

4:30 pm ET, 3:30 pm CT, 2:30 MT, 1:30 pm PT

Three Ways to Join

1. ZOOM-in Live on a computer, tablet, or phone by clicking this link:


The same Zoom Link is good for each day of the novena.

Click the above button or copy and paste this link:

2. Call-in on Your Phone for Live Event

 (646) 558-8656

Meeting ID: 776 0459 0386

3. Watch on YouTube at your convenience

Usually available by 8 pm EDT

Schedule for August 2021

Holy Hour Novena for Our Nation

Sept 1: Fr. Ron Mathews & Ed Weber of Holy Family Ministries w/Dave Maroney; Manhood Modeled by St. Joseph, the Foundation of Holy Families

Sept 2: Margaret Munck, OCDS; Womanhood and Purity, the Leven of Holy Families

Sept 3: Jackie Yamauchi & Vicky Leland; Supporting Pastoral Care and Prayer for Those Struggling with Same-Sex Attraction, and Their Families and Friends

Sept 4: Kristin Bird, President Diocesan Rosary Congress; How to Make it Happen in Your Parish or Diocese this October

Sept 5: Fr. Vijay Amruthraj, Kurnool, India; Divine Mercy for India Update and More

Sept 6: Chris Sparks, Author & Editor for the Marian Fathers; How Can You Still Be Catholic - 50 Answers to a Good Question

Sept 7: Cathy Gilmore, Catholic Marketing Network Planner and Author; Virtue Heros - A Fresh & Exciting Way to Teach Children the Virtues

Sept 8: Sr. Mary Lang; Celebrating Her Vocation and the Blessed Mother's Birthday

Sept 9: Maureen Flynn, Pray and Fast for America; Upcoming International Week of Prayer and Fasting

Join the Miraculous 54-Day Rosary Novena for Our Nation. The novena began on August 15th so jump in now and pray for our country. Join the group below and each day the prayers will be waiting for you in your inbox.

Forward this message to family and friends to help spread the word about this powerful novena. Our country needs prayer, correct? Let's get praying!

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Thank you for all you do to live and spread The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

God bless you and may God bless America because of you!

Dave and Joan Maroney

Directors, Mother of Mercy Messengers

An apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception
Celebrating 20 years dedicated to helping others learn about, live, and spread the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Thanks be to God!

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Praying for our Country as St. Faustina Prayed for Hers

Mother of Mercy Messengers is a proud member of CEMA.