Subject: DIVE Magazine - Mediterranean lionfish invasion, why great whites are great, Galápagos reef discovery

Plus - the indestructible, grotesque Bobbit worm

03 November 2023

Silent invasion

The lionfish invasion of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico has been well-documented, but a similar invasion of the Mediterranean Sea has been quietly slipping under the radar. The Underwater Photography Guide's Editor-in-Chief, Nirupam Nigam, visted Turkey to make a first hand account of the situation.

Indestructible worm of nightmares

There are some creatures so creepy that seeing them makes you question your love of diving. The Bobbit worm is one particularly grotesque example.

Creepy Hallowe'en fish

All Hallows Eve, when zombie fish, vampire squid and undead articles are resurrected from their watery graves. #10 is still a shocker, though...

Why great white sharks are great

How did the great white shark get its name? Are they warm or cold blooded? How long have they been here? Are they descendents of megalodon? All these and more interesting facts about the most misunderstood fish in the oceans.

UPY2024 is open

The 10th edition of the modern Underwater Photographer of the Year competition is now accepting entries for the 2024 competiton.

eLearning competition

PADI's AWARE specialty is now available as an eLearning programme, and we have four to give away in our latest competition!

New Galápagos reefs

Scientists from the Schmidt Ocean Institute have discovered two new coral reefs and seamounts in the Galápagos Marine Reserve.

Barrels of jellies

The Marine Conservation Society reports more jellyfish sightings than ever before in its annual citizen scientist Wildlife Sightings program.

MPB Geographical Better World Video Awards

DIVE has teamed up with global used camera marketplace MPB, top eco-resort Wakatobi, and Geographical Magazine to introduce the Better World Video Awards - a contest for short videos about how to make the world a better place.

DIVE Summer 23 Magazine

Join us in our latest issue as we learn a fantastically creative underwater photography technique from Michal Štros and his modified vintage lenses; explore the double bullseyes that are Lembeh and Raja Ampat with Mark Hatter; and follow Timo Dersch as he dives the sand tiger-filled wrecks of North Carolina. We have a 'little and large' extract from Helen Scales' beautiful new book; Mark 'Crowley' Russell reminds us to voice our concerns before diving and we learn why Apex Boats' RIBs are among the best in the world. PLUS - all the winners and highly commended photographs from our megafauna-sized Big Shot photo competition - and more! Subscribe in print & digital from just £22.99* to make sure you don't miss out!

*UK price; international postal charges extra.

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DIVE Magazine is created with some of the best writing and underwater photography in the world. Much more than a simple guide to the latest widgets for your scuba gear, we explore in-depth (pun absolutely intended) stories from the world's oceans, from the pristine reefs of remote islands to the devastating consequences of unsustainable human activity. We produce four art-quality coffee-table print publications each year, plus an app and webviewer through which you can access all of our latest content and more than 100 of our back-issues in digital format.

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