Subject: Transformation Tuesday: What's your dream?


Transformation Tuesday

Knowledge & Networking to Empower You



I hope you're having a great start to your week.

Tuesdays are a great day to reflect on transformations happening in your life.

Your mind is a very powerful tool.

Most of the changes you would like to see in your life need to be created in your mind first.

What is your dream?

What steps are you taking today towards your dream? Every day you have a choice to build your dream.

What will you choose today? Spend some time thinking about what you want.

  • To get in great shape

  • To travel to amazing places

  • To live in an incredible home

  • To follow your passion

How you feel about your future will have an impact on your vibrational alignment.

Accepting your emotions is part of the alignment process.

If you are interested in learning more about emotional acceptance?

There's only two days until the relaunch of the Global Health and Well-being Café.

I hope you will be able to join us!


“I loved the session it was really positive. It was great to discuss ideas on how we can get fit, well and healthy"

 Corrina, Nottingham

Here is the Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 839 9098 3069
Passcode: health


Lifestyle Coaching


I am on a mission to help one hundred women and your families. I'd be honoured to have an opportunity to reconnect with you.


We are quickly reaching the end of 2020. Are your health and fitness goals on track?

I am on a mission to inspire and motivate women. I encourage a healthy active lifestyle within families and friendships.

I am here to support you through personal and group coaching on nutrition and exercise.

I offer complimentary online 40 minute discovery sessions you will leave the session with a personal healthy active lifestyle action plan.

Book Your Discovery Session Here

Check out my website here


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