Subject:Β πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ 4 Days to Go....You Health is Your Wealth πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ


4 Days to go...

How are you feeling on Fitness Friday?

Today I would like to focus on your health plan. I hope you would agree staying healthy is important.

In my family we are living a healthy active lifestyle with young children. This involves a range of activities such as family walks in nature. Most of the family also follow a vegetarian/plant based diet. At home I love to see Zente enjoying a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. This presents a great learning opportunity for him too!

What type of activities do you enjoy doing with your family around the topics of health and wellbeing?

Future Proof Your Family

Wednesday 28th & Thursday 29th September 2022 at 19:30

In terms of exercise, earlier this year I qualified as a Zumbini Instructor, which at the moment takes place in my local area. The session can also be delivered online, however I really love being in the room with the little ones and their amazing Mums too!

Delivering Zumbini has been an excellent way for me to bond with my family. My daughter (aged 28) has attended the class with my granddaughters.

Plus Zente and Mark occasionally join the sessions, depending on his three year old mood! This means as a family with have an opportunity to sing, dance and play music together.

Fridays are generally great for my step count!

As the date of the two evening events gets closer. I'd like to take this opportunity remind you that you'll gain value from the information to be shared in the talks. I'd also like to communicate the energy you will experience by attending the live calls.

Make sure to stay until the end of the talks to gain an opportunity to win a range of great gifts!

I'm looking forward seeing you on the call!

Much Love,

: Vanessa-Mary.


About Us

Established in March 2015, : Vanessa-Mary: Lifestyle Coaching for Mums provides online and offline lifestyle workshops and a unique 12 week group coaching programme for Mums.

Each session is designed to educate and coach you to build your resilience so that you can stop procrastinating. Working with us will support you to experience the next chapter of your unfolding life transformation.

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