Subject: ★ Today's Smile !

As you requested, I hope this Brightens Your Day a bit! 
If this FunMail does not display well, view it online.

Q: Why don't they play poker in the jungle?
A: Too many cheetahs!

Q: What can you hear but not touch or see? 
A: (at bottom of email)

Fun Fact
A red blood cell can make a complete circuit
of your body in 20 seconds.

     Hmmm ...
Why do we drive on parkways
and park on driveways?

     Oh, yeah ...
The biggest problem in the World today is Apathy.
But, then again, who cares?

"UNLESS someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
        ~ Dr. Seuss
Keep on CARING on!


Words for the Soul
"Whatever we think about and thank about
we bring about."  ~ Dr. John F. Demartini

Words for Success
“The key to abundance is meeting
limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.”
~ Marianne Williamson

Remember to hum a tune today!

A = your voice

YOU can Brighten someone's day!
(What a thoughtful thing to do:)

  They can subscribe ~
at the blue button at the top right of it !

Who gets this reference?
It took me a while, but I am
still laughing!

Irony-ously Speaking ...
One should never generalize.

If these FunMails
Brighten YOUR Day

    even a tiny bit ...

PLEASE write a quick REVIEW at the bottom of

 this Link.

You can Brighten MY day!!

Starting next week,
your FunMails will be sent on
Mondays and Thursdays.

Remember to ADD

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