Subject: Quick question about your emails... - About Your Emails
Okay just wanted to ask you this:

Why do you send emails to your list?

Because you want them to take some specific action, such as clicking on a link?
  • That link could go to an affiliate offer your promoting
  • That link could go to one of your own sales pages
  • That link could go to some of your content like a blog post
But you're sending the emails because you want your reader to click a link and take some kind of action - Right?

Okay... So if you've already have an email list, then you know that subscribers don't tend to do a lot of clicking :-( 

Sometimes they don't click on the links in your emails.

And let's be honest: sometimes they don't even bother clicking on your email itself to actually open it.

The good news is that you can turn that all around by taking a look at these 15 ways to get more clicks in your email campaigns.

Now while we're on the subject of email marketing...

Every Internet business owner I've ever spoken to has always been looking for new ways to generate more income from their email campaigns.

Well here’s where it all starts:

You need to get people in the habit of opening your emails.

Not rocket science right? 

But us busy marketers just don't seem to pay enough attention to it.

If your subscribers are not opening your emails, then they’re obviously not going to see your awesome content and strong calls to action.

You won't be engaging them, educating them, entertaining them or anything else if they don't open your email in the first place.

So how do you get people in the habit of tapping open your emails the second those emails hit the recipients’ inboxes?

Take a look at these seven proven ways (jump to page 37 of Email Formulas)

If you apply any one of these tactics, you’re bound to see an increase in your open rates and as a result your overall conversions. 

But don’t just choose one method. 

Instead, put them all to work for you as soon as possible to see what they can do for your response rates!

And one last one to wrap this up for today (it's a little bit sneaky).

Did you know there are certain words and phrases that are so effective that merely using them in your call to action (CTA) can improve your conversion rates?

It's true, which is why these words and phrases are referred to as trigger words and phrases.

Now, heads up

Just dropping a trigger word into an otherwise poorly constructed and weak call to action isn't going to send your conversion rates rocketing upward.

However, if you've provided a clear call to action (along with a reason why prospects should take that action), then a well-placed trigger word can help get attention and further boost conversions.

So what proven-effective words and phrases should you include in your calls to action?

You’ll find them in two categories below:

-- Calls to action using second-person point of view language.
-- Calls to action using first-person point of view language.

Jump to page 64 of Email Formulas now to find explanations of each category along with 50 powerful phrases, and lots of examples to make it easy to put these CTAs to work for you right away.

Side Note: To boost your opt-in rate conversions and get more people joining your list, pay close attention to #46 and #47 (on page 85) these are outperforming ANYTHING else we've been testing on our subscription forms right now.

Don't have the Email Formulas book yet?

Click here to see what these tried and tested email boosting strategies can do for you! (act before midnight tonight for a $10 discount + 3 awesome fast action bonuses)

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

DigitalWebRocket - Deal Of The Day
Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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