Subject: Please DON'T share this...

No doubt this coming week will see your inbox awash with Black Friday offers, so I wanted to give you the heads up about this before it has the chance to get lost in the rush...

DigitalWebRocket's Black Friday Deal

=> Click Here To Check It Out


As you'll see on the above page it's already quite the deal and a HUGE saving off some of the hottest selling courses at DigitalWebRocket...

BUT... I wanted to ensure that YOU got an even better deal...

So here's what to do

Check out the collection. If it looks like something that would benefit you (more free traffic, bigger lists, better offers, maxed out sales) then hit the add to cart button and head over to the checkout page.

Then when you're there use the following code and see what it does for you

At Checkout Use Code: VIP

(Yep that's what you are to me so please use the code) :-)

Please keep that it to yourself (and as there are only 100 available don't wait until later in the week to use it or you'll risk missing out)

That's all for now, but I just wanted to make sure you had the private code before you saw the offer a elsewhere and paid more

To Your Success,

Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. The 5 main courses contain all the strategies you need right now to become UNSTOPPABLE. Jump in now and get the VIP's only deal :-)