Subject: (PerkZilla) Now Open for Early Adopters!

We've just opened the cart for PerkZilla Early Adopters!

>>  Click Here To Get In Today

The PerkZilla platform has been developed to help businesses, marketers and website owners spread the word about upcoming launches, rapidly grow email lists and turn visitors and existing customers into top advocates.

You can use PerkZilla to build 'buzz' via word of mouth about your products, services/brands, making it easy to increase sales, accelerate market adoption and grow your email list fast (all without spending a dime on advertising)...

We've opened up the doors to a select few Early Adopters who are ready to let us waive the future recurring billing and get grandfathered in with a LIFETIME access account.

(zero ongoing fees, no renewals, no monthly billing - NOTHING!).

Why are we doing this? 

While we're already using it in our own business to grow our lists exponentially, we need more users and with your help we can get this new service used across hundreds (even thousands) of websites...

... And we're looking for feedback, case studies and lots of PerkZilla success stories all ahead of the public launch in a few months time. 

Sound good?

Great then your advantage over everyone who joins later is that you'll pay less and JUST ONCE for ANY Account Level you choose right now.

This is a great opportunity to be in at the start but it will only be around for a few days, check out the platform now and save your spot.

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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