Subject: PLR Rights Black Friday Blowout (time sensitive licensing deal)

This exclusive Black Friday deal is LIVE NOW!

Grab your licenses deal below...


This year as a special treat for our valued customers we've put together an amazing collection of TEN in-demand business titles that you can claim as your own and start selling right away for MEGA profits...

... I wanted to guarantee that this deal doesn't just 'save you money' but actually has the potential to make you money. LOTS of it!
Black Friday - Exclusive PLR Publishing Pack
As you know, we hardly ever release white label / private label licensing to our training courses at DigitalWebRocket and on the rare occasion we do they typically sell for hundreds/thousands of dollars - 

But for Black Friday ou can pick up 10 HIGHLY VALUABLE extended private label rights licenses for just pennies on the dollar.

PLUS+ You'll also get a bonus copy of my brand new "PLR Profit Secrets" guide that reveals how to use exactly this type of PLR product to create massive profit gains across your entire business!


Do you think you'd be considered more of an expert, generate more sales and get far more recognition in the marketplace if you released a new product every month or so?  Sure you would! 

And that's what you can do with this stunning collection! 

Talk about prolific product creation! Just think of the extra profits you could add to your business when you start releasing a new, one of a kind niche product EVERY MONTH for the next ten months!

Act Now And Get Over $10,000 Worth Of Premium Content For Just Pennies On The Dollar :-)


To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Get an instant head start in the info-publishing industry or rapidly grow your existing publishing business with not one but ten in-demand Internet Marketing/ Business titles. Click Here Now

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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