Subject: NEW eCom Research Software - Get Your Early-Bird Discount Here (Expires in 3 Hours)

This is just a real quick message to let you know about the world's first premier Etsy Shop & Product Research Software called, "Craft Inspector" that has just released ..

.. it's a very powerful but simple software used to uncover top selling products & top performing shops on Etsy in just seconds!

BUT, you only have 3 hours to take advantage of their early-bird discount:

>> Get your Early-Bird Discount Here (3 hours only)

Make sure to check out their demo video at the top of the page to see all the new incredible features loaded in the software. It's truly amazing!

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S.  There is no other software available online that provides this type of data extraction all in one easy-to-navigate software and during the product launch, they will also be allowing people to use the software to create research reports you can sell to clients and keep 100% of the income!

Plus+, a bunch of cool bonuses :-)

You don't want to miss out on the early-bird access, so I recommend getting access to this amazing software ASAP