Subject: Is PLR Still Profitable?

Seriously... Can you still make money with Private Label Rights? - Here's what I think

Every week someone asks me:

Is selling private label rights content still profitable?

And my answer is YES

– it’s MORE profitable and popular now than it’s ever been!

When I first got started licensing content and selling PLR back in the day (around 2002) it was profitable, but difficult. People didn’t know anything about PLR content.

People weren’t looking for it. They didn’t even know it existed.

Fast forward to today, and there are buyers all over the globe actively looking for good PLR content.

They can’t get enough of it.

And that’s a very good thing for YOU!

  • Now, let me back up for a second in case you’re not familiar with this concept. PLR stands for “private label rights,” and this sort of content licensing gives your buyers nearly free reign with how to use the content. They can modify it any way they please, put their name as the author, sell it, or even give it away.

So, you can see why PLR content is so wildly popular with buyers (and so profitable for sellers). And that’s why today is a great day to start building your own PLR membership site!

Here's How > Private Label Memberships

Here Are Three Great Reasons To Create Your Own PLR Membership Site:

1. You’re selling something others desperately want.

  • Info-product marketers need content. They need more than they could ever create on their own. That’s where you come in. When you create a PLR membership, you give them the constant stream of content they desire – and many are willing to pay a premium for the convenience!

2. A PLR membership site can be really profitable.

  • Not only do you make money on the frontend of your site with membership fees (maybe even six figures) you also have a profitable backend income stream. Many site owners make MOST of the money on the backend with a variety of high-ticket upgrades and offers!

3. It’s actually a lot easier than you think.

  • Depending on how you set up your site, you could create a “set it and forget it” income stream that virtually takes care of itself. This frees up your time to enjoy your friends, family and favourite hobbies while generating an additional stream of income potentially on autopilot!

It’s pretty easy to see why it’s such a good idea to set up a membership site, right?

Maybe dollar signs are lighting up in your eyes?

Good. Because you’re reading the right email, since I’m about to show you how to set up a popular PLR membership site in just one month from now and from scratch...

Here's How > Private Label Memberships

This guide takes you from where you are today (no site, no content, maybe not even an idea) to getting your first PLR membership site up and ready to take orders in about a month.

Each day you’ll get a lesson on how to complete some part of the task, plus you’ll get an action step. (Note: You get the entire 31 day course delivered instantly so you can work at your own pace)

That’s not all – act now and you also get this valuable bonus pack :-)


Inside the bonus pack you get five accessories to help you make the most of your PLR membership site. Here’s what you get:

Bonus 1:

The 3-Step System For Getting Free Traffic From Other PLR Sellers

This bonus is about getting powerful influencers to send you their traffic and customers. This is one of the most powerful ways to generate traffic, because the leads are ultra-warm and ready to buy! You’ll find out exactly how to get this sort of traffic to your own site using my three-step P.L.R. system!

Bonus 2:

5 PLR Membership Site Specific Strategies To Keep Members Spending

One of the big issues with membership sites is that members are constantly dropping out. That means you’re constantly scrambling to find new members to take their place. Until now. Inside this bonus mini-guide you’ll discover my top five strategies for making sure your members stay active month after month after month. Not only does this keep the membership fees flowing into your bank account, it also keeps the backend income coming in too!

Bonus 3:  

5 Reasons Why People Won’t Join Your Membership Site

(And How To Make Sure They Will)

There’s no worse feeling than spending a month building a PLR membership site only to find out no one is buying what you’re selling. This bonus mini-guide shows you how to overcome the most common sales objections and avoid the costly, sales-killing mistakes that plague most people who are new to membership site marketing!

Bonus 4:

How To Out-Sell Your Competition Doing What They Do Better Than Them!

Imagine if you took the best ideas from your competitors to create an almost unbeatable offer that your prospects would be crazy to refuse. That’s what you’ll find out how to do inside this mini-guide!

Bonus 5:

The Best Way To Get New Members To Join Your PLR Membership Site

Inside this mini-guide you’ll discover one of my favourite and most effective ways to turn lukewarm prospects into eager cash-paying members. Hint: when you do this, your memberships practically sell themselves!

Grab all the bonuses now

Time Sensitive > Private Label Memberships

To Your Success,

Simon Hodgkinson

P.S.  Just think... you could have your own PLR membership up and ready to take orders in just 31 days from now! Or you could do nothing, and be in exactly the same place in a month – dreaming about making some money online, but no further along in the process.

Let’s do this together and make it happen.

Take the first step by downloading the guide right now