Subject: Double Bonus Discount Deal! 2 FREE Bonus Books weekend only...

If you sell digital products, coaching, training or memberships this is for you.


Because you’re about to discover 7 fast and free ways to sell more and make more from what you're already selling... And without increasing your traffic by a single visitor!

Check It Out:

=> Double Bonus Deal Weekend

As you know already E-learning has become a billion dollar industry and it is still growing.

People are buying online courses at an unprecedented level.

It doesn’t matter if your course teaches how to setup a home business or setup a home gym, plan out a diet or plan out a budget vacation, retire in style or style hair, or any of a limitless number of topics, there is a market for your content.

That’s good. And that’s bad.

The good is obviously that there is a HUGE potential for profit :-)

The bad is you’re not the only one trying to get a piece of that profit :-(

And while it’s true people are buying online courses at an unprecedented level, it’s also true that people are creating online courses as an unprecedented level.

Your piece of the profit is getting smaller and smaller every day.

It really doesn’t matter what your niche or specialty is, the number of competitors in your field is increasing.

And that trend is going to continue.

Your market is going to get more crowded.

That's going to hurt your sales.

Don't get me wrong, I’m not trying to discourage you or sound the doomsday bell here without justified reasons...

... What I am trying to do is HELP you not only keep your piece of the profit, but grab an EVEN BIGGER SHARE than your competitors

I've put together 7 'cheat sheets' that walk you through everything you need to do right now to stay several steps ahead of the competition

Here's just a brief overview:

  • You’ll discover three surefire ways to add value to your courses

  • You’ll learn the four keys to creating a catchy titles that sell.

  • You’ll get my 4-step process for developing a strong positioning statement!

  • You’ll find out a simple strategy for picking the most profitable prices for your products.

Plus+ You’ll discover several surprisingly simple ways to establish yourself as an expert and build your credibility both on and off your sales page (this is a guaranteed instant conversion booster)

And you’ll get a proven three-step process for building a big list and closing more sales through that list!

That only just scratches the surface, so dig in now and take a look and if you decide to grab a copy this weekend you'll get 30% off and two of our most popular titles "Perception Profits" and "Sales Triggers" on the house :-)

=> Claim Your Discount Now   

To Your Success

Simon Hodgkinson  

P.S. Make some strategic changes to stand out among the competition.

Do a handful of things that people in category one simply aren’t doing. And that alone will keep you relevant and at the forefront of your market.

And if you’re not there yet, doing these things will help you get there