Subject: Do you need more subscribers/leads?

DigitalWebRocket - List Building Solutions Inside
Yesterday I sent you an email about our 'Email Formulas' collection and it went down really well. If you're quick, you can still pick up this opens and click boosting set with 25% off (discount ends at midnight Thursday)

but that's not why I'm here talking to you today...

I understand that getting more opens and clicks is great - **IF** YOU ALREADY HAVE A LIST - but as many readers pointed out, having the right formulas doesn't help if you don't actually have a list to begin with ... 

I get it.

So here's something for you if you're just getting started and don't have a list yet -

Check it out 
(it'll save you a heap of time and get those subscribers piling up fast)

=> Private Label Lead Magnets

You get a year's worth of done for you lead magnets to grow your list with. 

 And not just any old lead magnets...

These Lead Magnets "Attract" Customers!

Attention-grabbing titles get people to take notice and take action – and the high quality content impresses the heck out of them!

The topics are appealing, the content is current – this is exactly the sort of stuff your prospects and customers are desperate to get their hands on!

Each lead magnet is the ideal length of 7-11 pages. That’s meaty enough to be useful, but not so much that it gathers virtual dust on their hard drive, or so comprehensive that they don’t need to buy your paid offers!

These lead magnets are the ideal way to promote your favorite backend offer of choice.

Each product appeals to a BIG audience. 

You can give these lead magnets away to:
  • Online marketers
  • Bloggers
  • Small business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Authors
  • Speakers
  • Affiliates
  • Product vendors
And more! Anyone who serves the make-money-online industry will LOVE these lead magnets. And you’ll be proud to give these highly polished products away!

In fact here are 14 Awesome Ways to put these lead magnets to work right away

And scroll a little further down the same page to check out 7 easy ways you can make money with your lead magnets right away... (and because you get full PLR editorial rights you can do any of these to grab some easy cash while you're building your list)

So in summary...

If you have a list and want to boost your open rates and clicks then grab your copy of 'Email Formulas' and get the 25% off

or... If you're just building out your list and want some help 

Then take a look at these good as 'Money in the Bank' lead magnets

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Click Here Now to find out the RIGHT way to create and use lead magnets to grow your business and how to get an entire years worth of our best subscriber pulling titles with full private label rights to use just as if you made them yourself.

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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