Subject: Digital Product Sales - FLAT LINING? 😞

Whether you’re selling your products and courses on platforms like Udemy, JVZoo, ClickBank or right from your own site this email is for you...

And especially so, if your sales are stalling or you're just not hitting the numbers you think you should be then keep reading!

E-learning is a billion dollar industry... And it is still growing.

People are buying at an unprecedented level. 

It doesn’t matter if your courses teach how to setup a home business or setup a home gym, plan out a diet or plan out a budget vacation, retire in style or style hair...

... or any of a limitless number of topics

There Is A Market For Your Content.

That’s good news.

But it's also BAD NEWS.

The good is obviously that there is a huge potential for sales and profit.

The bad is you’re not the only one trying to get a piece of that profit.

While it’s true people are buying online courses at an unprecedented level, it’s also true that people are creating online courses as an unprecedented level and the bigger players with money to burn on advertising and promotion are taking notice.

Your piece of the profit is getting smaller and smaller every day.


It really doesn’t matter what your niche or specialty is, the number of competitors in your field is increasing. And that trend is going to continue.

Your market is going to get more crowded.

And that is going to hurt your sales. 

It probably already is?

I’m not trying to discourage you or sound the doomsday bell without justified reasons...

...  What I am trying to do is HELP you not only keep your piece of the profit, but grab an even bigger share than your competitors.

Use the link below to download my collection of 7 cheat sheets that will help you start shattering your sales records!

=> eCourse Profit CheatSheets

Each cheat sheet covers a key driver of digital product/course sales:
  • You’ll discover three surefire ways to add value to your products!

  • You’ll learn the four keys to creating a catchy title!

  • You’ll get a four-step process for developing a strong positioning statement!

  • You’ll find out a simple four-step strategy for picking the most profitable price.

  • You’ll discover surprisingly simple ways to establish yourself as an expert and build your credibility both on and off your sales page!

  • You’ll get a proven three-step process for building a big list and closing more sales through that list!

  • You’ll learn the five crucial keys to crafting a high-converting sales letter!
These cheat sheets aren’t tests of your knowledge. 

They are tools for getting things done. 

They're designed to help you plan out and take action in 7 specific areas to help you sell more...  so if sales are not where they should be jump in now. 

Stop the slow down and reverse it fast!

=> eCourse Profit CheatSheets

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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